Observations from the first week

Jul 07, 2010 10:29

One week ago today was my last day at work. I still sometimes can't believe that I don't have to go back, that I'm not on some kind of vacation. I have managed to stop thinking about work in the last bit, but it definitely took a while. Here are my observations on the life I am living right now:

- I have way more energy, both mental and physical
- I have been going to bed earlier than I did when I had to get up. I think this is related to letting go of the feeling of "oh no, if I go to bed now it will be tomorrow and I'll have to go back to work" - now it doesn't matter if I go to bed at 10 because I can continue with what I am doing in the morning.
- I am getting a lot of stuff done that I had been dreading, or postponing (for example, my book proposal which had been hanging over me for months)
- I am spending WAY less time on the internet, previously I kept up with my friends list and several blogs, all of a sudden I am way behind on both. Weird.
- it's way easier to keep my house clean when I have time and energy to do so
- I watched TV last night for the first time in over a week, I used to veg out in front of the TV in the evenings and now I don't seem to want to since I have the energy for more interesting things
- I have not yet had a single nap, even though I love to nap and could do so every day if I wanted. This one floors me, as I am a big fan of naps. But I have been busy with all sorts of things and a nap hasn't managed to make it onto the schedule. Very odd.

All in all it has been a very productive week and I can feel my "muchness" coming back bit by bit. This is the reason I left my job (I didn't feel like me anymore, like I was losing all the things that make me me) and I was worried that it was too late, that I wouldn't get my magic back. Thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case. It's almost like I am waking up from a long hibernation.

The next couple of weeks are going to be an actual vacation as Mike and I are driving back to Saskatoon for my brother's wedding. We're taking Jake (the dog) so it is sure to be an adventure, but we're all looking forward to it!
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