WTF, everybody?
Well, you can see where they had to cut a lot due to condensing things after the writer's strike. Booth got shot? THAT'S COOL, ALL BETTER NOW, HERE IS A BAND-AID OVER THE BULLET WOUND IN MY CHEST KTHXBAI. It's cool, though. Because we got naked Booth, and emotionally involved Bones! And a beer hat! Bygones!
But then, there's all drama and whiplash, because, Zach got exploded! Oh noes! And Hodgins is Gormagorgonzola! Except that would be too obvious, since they brought up MONTHS ago that he fits the profile, so it can't be him. UNLESS THEY ARE HAVING AN ELABORATE FAKEOUT, LIKE THAT TOTALLY WTF FAKE FUNERAL. So it is Hodgins! Except how maybe it's Dr. Sweets, because he's all RECENT and SUSPICIOUSMAKING, but then Booth and Bones think it's Sweets, so clearly it's not him. So it MUST be Cam, because all of a sudden she is making FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, and I find that surprising. But now they are making Hodgins so suspicious, it is CLEARLY HIM because of the elaborate DOUBLE REVERSE NINJA FAKEOUT. Although, maybe it could be Zach, because he lives in Hodgins' guesthouse, so he has the same kind of water that Hodgins does, but it clearly CANNOT BE ZACH, because-
Wait. What's that. It WAS Zach?
I am choosing to believe that when the season got condensed, there was a lot of really subtle stuff in there about how Zach was changed by what he saw in Iraq, because remember? How he went to Iraq? And then it was NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN? Yeah, maybe there might have been some narrative thread in there that got lost or frayed or something.
That's okay, though! *makes hand waving motions* Because you know what I've realized? It's Bones. I love this show. But it's not necessarily a very GOOD show. Entertaining as all hell? Absolutely. But good? NSM. I don't need logic or coherence. I just need Booth. Naked in a bathtub with a Green Lantern comic and a cigar, beaming bemusedly as Bones praises his lack of puritanical modesty.