Late post that some may find humor in...

Jan 10, 2008 16:50

So, this happened as I was driving home for Christmas. I just never got around to posting it until now. Posted behind a cut to spare the friends lists of those who could really care less.

So, I was driving to my dad's on Christmas morning, as I am in my church choir and we sang at the 11pm service, and I was not driving to Brevard County after the service was over at midnight. My cell phone rings. I look at the number to see if it is worth answering, since I am on the road. The number is 386-717-1235. I am giving a generic number...last 4 numbers have been changed to protect all mentioned here from getting random calls from people they don't know. 386 tells me the DeLand/Daytona area of Volusia County. 717 signaled a cell phone to me. The last 4 numbers look like my pastor's last 4 numbers for his cell phone.

So, I think, "what in the world would he be calling for on Christmas?" So, I pick up the phone. Here is how the conversation played out:

Me: (in a sarcastic tone, thinking it was my pastor) What do you want?
Caller: (a weird Jamacian voice) Is this Liz?
Me: (hesitant) Yes, it is...
Caller: (still a weird Jamacian voice) Hi, Liz! Happy Christmas!
Me: (me thinking my pastor is playing a joke on me) Todd, knock it off. I am on the road, what do you want?
Caller: (same voice) Liz, it's Ena.
Me: Haha, very funny, Todd. Okay, you got back with me for the comments I made last night about the Bears beating the Packers. Cut the fake Jamacian accent, I know it's you.
Caller: Huh? It's Ena. Ena Barnes. I worked with Mrs. Brady last year.
Me: (thinking "oh shit") Oh, hi. I thought you were my pastor playing a joke on me. How are you? I didn't know you had my number.
Caller: Mrs. Brady gave it to me. Are you still working, I haven't seen you at school in a while?
Me: Yes, I'm still subbing like I was the last time you saw me at school. I'm not at the same school every day. The only thing I will sub st Deltona High anymore is the Multi-VE. The rest of the students there are too rude and misbehave too much.
Caller: Oh...well I just wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas. God bless you dear. Hope to see you soon.
Me: Okay, bye.
*hang up phone*

It was after I hung up that I realized my pastor's cell number is programmed into my phone and would have come up as his name and not just the number. I look through my phone contact list. His cell number is 386-717-1234 (yes another generic number). Only the last digit was different, that's why at a quick glance I thought it was his number calling. So, I thought it was his number, and he's the type that would play a joke, such as using a weird/fake accent; thus, I assumed that was what was happening. Instead, I made a complete ass of myself to a sweet old lady. Guess that is why one shouldn't assume. :)
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