Sep 19, 2011 05:05

Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
Archer is 5'9" - he's the average height and weight for a man his age. He doesn't appear fat but he is broad across the shoulders. While he isn't short, he does seem to be tiny in comparison to the people he usually is seen with. Armstrong is practically a giant - Archer only comes up to his shoulder.

2. How old is he?
Thirty-six. Most people assume he's older. His age isn't a touchy subject, but he does loathe how so many officers of his rank are younger than he is.

3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch?
Archer tends to keep his posture stiff and rigid. He does slouch when he's sitting, but that's usually only when he doesn't need to impress anyone (such as Kimbley). He manages to look professional even when he is slouching.

4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
He's a paper-pusher first and foremost - a paper-pusher with the palest skin in the entire series (including the terminally ill woman and the boy who hasn't seen sunlight in over ten years). He doesn't have any known illnesses or conditions, nor does he go out of his way to exercise... Though he might occasionally practice yoga. This isn't for health reasons and rather for a way to calm himself that isn't shooting at the neighborhood dogs. On a more mental level, Archer has never been diagnosed with anything, but it's likely he has some form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Everything has to be perfectly organized - right down to the paperwork he's checking. He will literally go through documents two and three times just to ensure there are no errors, be they in spelling, grammar, or calculations.

5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
All of his movements are calculated in advance. It's rare for Archer to move without thinking (even rarer than it is for him to speak without thinking). He tends to come off as very rigid and awkward when he's walking - it's the smaller motions that seem graceful. He tends to stay in one place if he can. It's worth noting that he runs like a girl. He refuses to believe this.

6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
He's a bit of a strange one. Archer doesn't appear to be remarkably unique at first glance - it's the pale skin and his face shape that actually make him stand out. While he certainly isn't ugly, Archer isn't god's gift to women by any means. He certainly thinks he is though.

7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
Very pale. He is easily the palest character in the first series. There's a scene where he's practically blending into a solid white wall. It's not intentional, which makes it hilarious. Otherwise there isn't much worth noting.

8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
Archer's hair is black, or perhaps a very dark gray. It's very thick and coarse - and it's the sort that he really can't do much with most of the time. It's always messed up terribly in the morning. Archer is very picky about his hair and refuses to keep it in any other style. Oddly enough, his hair would look similar to Mustang's (minus the bangs) if he didn't sweep it back. Quite obviously, he always keeps it swept back.

9. What color are his eyes?
Light blue.

10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
He has dents on either side of his forehead that (for some reason) the automail designers decided to keep when he lost half of his body in Liore and had automail replace it. He's rather touchy about those dents; don't bring them up in conversation.

11. What are his chief tension centers?
Archer is almost always tense - he's so used to dealing with tension that he doesn't even notice any of these anymore. He suffers headaches mostly; with his temples and the area between his eyes taking the most of the pounding. The best way to relieve tension? Violence!

12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit?
He's from a high-class, conservative family. Archer's clothes have always been stereotypical rich-boy outfits - he refuses to wear anything that isn't custom-tailored to fit him (he has enough trouble finding shirts that take into account his wide shoulders as it is! why bother with that when he can hire someone to create shirts that fit properly?). Everything in his closet is in shades of blue or monochromatic colors. He doesn't normally wear these clothes except the shirts underneath the military uniform. He's most comfortable in the uniform - perhaps because he's spent half his life in it. He does have multiple copies of the uniforms.

13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?
Yes and yes. Archer wears his clothes properly, unlike a certain alchemist he's worked with. Kimbley, he will fix you uniform if you start messing with it again.

14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
No, the Amestrian military has a standard-issued uniform that all officers are expected to wear. Archer is quite comfortable in his and he usually prefers to wear it. He does wear his usual dress shirts under the standard jacket, however.

15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
Ask Kimbley. Do you want a gun aimed at your face?

1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
It sounds exactly the same as it does in the dub. Archer's voice is usually soft with a rather sleazy tone to it (entirely unintentional). He sounds like he's constantly hitting on everyone. Spoilers: He's not.

2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate?
Archer tends to plan out everything he's going to say in advance. If he doesn't have time to plan things out he can still speak well - it's just when he's thrown a particularly difficult question that he flails. He tends to circle the point repeatedly until someone asks him to get on with it. If that doesn't happen, he'll go silent and pout sulk glare. His voice is almost always even and it sounds like he's being condescending. It's difficult to tell when he's being genuine unless you've spent a lot of time around him.

3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
He doesn't have an accent or any noticeable verbal tics outside of the ones mentioned above.

4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?
Amestrian - which might be the equivalent of German if the movie and end of the series are anything to go by. Either way, Archer is very fluent.

5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
No, Amestrian is the only language he knows.

6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?
Archer does best when he has time to think, but that doesn't mean he can't speak spontaneously. He prefers to have time to think about what he says. Regardless of the situation, Archer is usually good with words and convincing others to see his side of things.

7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Archer is very eloquent. About the only time he ever gets inarticulate is when he's trying to find a way to express something that is personal. He doesn't do well with emotions that aren't smug satisfaction.

Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?
Archer is definitely book-smart rather than street-smart; he tends to lack common sense most of the time. Scar kicks Kimbley's body off a building in an obvious attempt to incite the military? Ed's saying it's a trap? Send in all the troops! That jackass just killed my boyfriend! He does make a good deal of terrible decisions throughout the anime. On the flip side of the coin, Archer is very intelligent. Hughes discovers what's going on within the military and leaves some of his research. Archer quickly figures out what's going on and uses this to essentially blackmail and bitch at the Fuhrer. It takes the rest of the characters another twenty episodes to figure out what's going on.

2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?
He doesn't make good decisions at all, but Archer's decisions are typically terrible when he doesn't take any time to think about them. He sends seven thousand soldiers to their deaths despite the fact that it's clear by now that Liore is a trap. Whoops.

3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
Logical and practical - at least most of the time. Archer very rarely strays from the former, but a lot of his plans can be described as idealistic. He wants to start wars. It's such a simplistic view that he justifies as a way to strengthen Amestris... but really it's because he fucking loves war. Yep.

4. What kind of education has the character had?
He left school as soon as he turned eighteen to join the military, he finished high school and decided against pursuing an education. He does a lot of research and studying on his own though; he's easily at the same level as most college graduates at this point. He's very bright and catches on quickly - he even has some understanding of alchemy despite being incapable of using it.

5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?
Archer is well-aware of how the military operates - right down to the Homunculi running it. He is fascinated with Homunculi, chimeras, and obviously war. Archer is very fond of guns and knows an awful lot about them too. While he's nowhere near as well-known as Riza Hawkeye, his marksmanship is rather impressive as well. Hell, his last name is Archer; clearly his aim must be amazing! Anyway, he knows more about Homunculi and chimeras than the average man, even within the military. He's worked extensively with Tucker to learn how the chimeras are created (as well as supplying Tucker with the occasional human to use in his experiments - no one's going to miss those soldiers, right?).

6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert. Archer prefers to be on his own. He's spent the majority of his life ignoring others - but in order to move up through the ranks of the military he has to make connections. He'll appear outgoing and even friendly if it will benefit him. Too bad he's not very good at hiding his irritation. It doesn't help that he's unaware of how creepy he acts.

7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
Archer certainly can switch from somewhat calm to furious within seconds - but this is about the only sort of mood-swing he ever has. Otherwise his moods are fairly easy to read. They come in three flavors: smug, irritated, and blank. Irritated can also refer to "fucking pissed" but it's usually somewhere on the frustrated-to-furious scale. Archer doesn't really know how to express other emotions very well, which usually results in rather dull - if not openly confused - expressions. He tends to have to stop what he's doing and analyze what he's feeling. Archer is quite obviously very driven when it comes to his goals - though he tends to get side-tracked along the way. He's easily as fickle as he is determined.

8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
He's very wary, if not downright hostile. Archer isn't fond of people in power especially - so if he has some sort of control over you or the situation, he'll actually be calm and level-headed. Otherwise? He'll be trying to figure out whether you're useful to him or not.

9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?
React. Archer doesn't make the first move unless he's certain things will go as planned... or he's pissed off and not thinking anything through.

10. Which is his default: fight or flight?
Despite being a paper-pusher who hasn't actually seen war (or much in the way of fighting in general), Archer's default response is always fight. When the array in Liore is activated he doesn't turn to run, he moves to defend himself. That ends about as well as expected.

11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
What sense of humor? Archer doesn't laugh very often, but when he does it's genuinely startling because it is so rare. Kimbley has gotten him to laugh due to... sheer stupidity, but otherwise it's very difficult to get him to laugh. It's not very often he appreciates any sort of humorous attempts either - humor is beneath him, thank you very much. ...Unless it's condescending and he's being a snarky little bitch to someone like Mustang. Then humor is great!

12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them?
He hasn't been diagnosed with anything, but Archer clearly has some traits of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He doesn't deal with it at all simply because he doesn't realize there's anything wrong.

13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?
The moment he realized he couldn't use alchemy. Archer is from a family of alchemists, and being the one heir to the family name that couldn't? It was certainly a soul-crushing blow. It still is something that bothers him and he holds a hatred for all alchemists because of it. Meeting Kimbley also changed Archer's life greatly, though it's still something he will deny - he's not aware just how much its affected him.

14. What does he fear?
Surprisingly enough, Archer doesn't fear death. Kimbley's death has shaken him, but he doesn't fear his own death any. What he does fear is being forgotten - not going down in history as a war hero. It would be easiest to go down in infamy, but that's not at all what Archer wants. He doesn't fear being remembered as a monster since in his mind, there's no way that can happen, despite how aware he is that he isn't normal.

15. What are his hopes or aspirations?
He wants to be a war hero, to start wars, to fight in wars, and to eventually take over as Fuhrer. Power has always captivated his interest, and serving in the Amestrian military is the easiest way to legally get it without repercussions.

16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
Just how crazy he is. He's certainly aware that what he thinks and believes aren't similar to the popular opinion, and goes out of his way to ensure that everyone believes that he's sane. It doesn't work as well as he thinks it does.

1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.
Archer's father was a State Alchemist who was killed in battle during the Ishbal War. His mother died not long after. She was a doctor, not an alchemist. Obviously he got along better with her. His relationship with his parents was very distant. They were basically just authority figures to him. He never really loved either of them and felt nothing at their passing.

2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
No siblings.

3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?
There are no other relatives he's ever met.

4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them?
No one here either.

5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
Zolf J Kimbley was Archer's best friend. Not that he'd ever admit such a thing - especially not to Kimbley himself. They met after Kimbley attempted to kidnap the Homunculus Wrath from South Headquarters. Archer was able to convince Kimbley to return to the military... by pointing a gun at his head. The two spent a lot of time together afterwards and grew very close. Prior to Kimbley, Archer had never cared much at all for anyone else. Kimbley's death was certainly painful - even now he's not sure what to do with the fact that Kimbley is dead. He still refers to Kimbley in the present-tense despite knowing that he's dead.

6. Does he have other close friends?
No. The only other people he regularly is seen with are Tucker (who works directly for him), Armstrong (who was working for Mustang the entire time), and the Fuhrer (who Archer can essentially blackmail into aiding him in his endeavors).

7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?
He definitely has trouble relating to others. He can understand why they would feel things, but he's typically unaffected by them. Getting along with others has never been easy for him, simply because he can't be bothered most of the time. If there is a reason for him to get along with someone, he will certainly try... and probably creep them out. Sorry!

8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?
Neither. Archer doesn't have any family left, nor does he have any friends. Kimbley is dead; we don't mention this. He cares about himself first and foremost, after all.

9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?
He's single and not interested. Especially after not!boyfriend died. But seriously, he has never had any interest in dealing with a long-term relationship. ...Or any relationships in general. Though he did technically put a ring on it...

10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?

11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?
He doesn't remember the first - oddly enough he does remember thinking Kimbley was good-looking while filing his paperwork after the Ishbal War... and then realizing that Kimbley was jailbait. Whoops. His most recent was... also Kimbley? That one's a little hard to tell, and he'll violently deny it.

12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?
Archer doesn't really look for anything. Since he's not looking. If he were to look he'd want someone that he could be himself around (so they'd have to be somewhat crazy), who would allow him to blame them for everything, and who... would be amazing in bed. Because really, the only important part of romantic relationships is the sex, right?

13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?

14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?
He makes enemies easily. The two that stand out the most are Armstrong and Mustang. The former is because he informed Mustang of what was going on under Archer's command, and the latter because of their clashing ranks and Mustang's ability to use alchemy. He's several years older than Mustang and still has to obey his commands - quite obviously that's irritating!

15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale?
Archer is a four at the least. He definitely prefers men, though it's obviously something he doesn't talk much about. He's a chauvinist and believes women are inferior to men in general - quite obviously he'd prefer men! (The only canon basis for this would be how weirdly close he is to Kimbley throughout the series... Oh, and the fact that he thoughtlessly sends all the troops into Liore after Kimbley's death. Someone was a little bitter.)

16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?
Archer doesn't need sex. Oh sure, he likes it, but it's not the sort of thing he actively seeks out. It just sort of... happens occasionally. This might be another reason why he was so pissed that Kimbley was killed. It's worth noting that he never actually slept with Kimbley.

17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
Archer is a ridiculously kinky bastard. He definitely has a gun-kink, gets off on war/killing/watching Kimbley explode things, and... all sorts of BDSM-related things. He has several turn-offs, but nothing really specific I can think of at the moment. I'll probably be editing this repeatedly in the future.

1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type?
He doesn't have a canon birthdate, so I've been going with September 15th. That makes Archer a Virgo which does fit in some aspects. He doesn't care about this sort of thing though.

2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?
Neither - Archer is an atheist who believes all religions are wrong and everyone who believes in them are misguided fools. Oh well, if they want to waste their time and money...

3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
Archer doesn't have very well-defined ethics. He has no issue with killing whatsoever, though he would never kill a superior officer to take their position - but that's only because he'd be discovered. Bribery is something he genuinely gets upset about though - if only because he's worked very hard to get where he is now, and the thought of buying his position bothers him. Probably because he's never tried it before.

4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
Indifferent mostly, though there are some times when he will get irritated with whatever the hell it is the other person's spouting. This mostly pertains to religious beliefs.

5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?
Alchemists get everything. This is actually somewhat true in his world. If an alchemist can pass the State Alchemist exam, they enter the military at the rank of Major and skip most of the grunt-work non-alchemists have to deal with. Archer is incapable of alchemy. This has led to a massive hatred for all alchemists, especially those like Mustang, who don't even make an effort in their work.

Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
It's not something he points out, but Archer is actually quite rich. This doesn't stop him from being ridiculously cheap.

2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?
He's an officer in the military, he's not an alchemist, and he's a rich bitch. So no, nothing has changed.

3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?
Archer actually has two houses - an apartment in Central that is rather large and the family manor on the outskirts of the city. He doesn't live in the manor due to it being too far away (as if he would really want a several hour commute to get into work?).

4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?
Books (on history or war, mostly), guns (he collects them and has quite the impressive and possibly overcompensating collection), and... cats. He doesn't own any, but he does take care of any he finds. The only decent thing he ever does is return lost cats to their owners. Anyway, Archer can't be rich if he's spending all his money, now can he?

5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else?
He's a Colonel (a temporary rank given to him for the mission in Liore) in the Amestrian military. He loves some aspects of his job - paperwork isn't one of them. He fucking loves war, so anything involving battles and bloodshed turn him on reaffirm just how much he loves his job. Unfortunately he doesn't have much to do with these since he's a pencil-pusher.

6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?
Reading (history, war, and occasionally alchemy), shooting (he's quite good, if he says so himself), and... finding lost cats. He doesn't really have much of a life. While Kimbley was alive he'd spend time with him... usually watching him explode things (as long as they weren't cats).

7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
Archer can't cook to save his life. He could burn water if he tried. Basically he does a lot of eating out at ridiculously fancy restaurants. Unsurprisingly, this never ended well when Kimbley was around. He's not a particularly picky eater, and while he does enjoy alcohol, he does have some sort of restraint. There really isn't anything remarkable to mention here.

Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:

1. Color? Blue.
2. Smell? Gunpowder.
3. Time of day? Morning.
4. Season? Autumn.
5. Book? The Art of War.
6. Music? Classical; particularly Beethoven's Fifth.
7. Place? ...Munich...?
8. Substance? Metal.
9. Plant? ...
10. Animal? Cat.

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Part 1: The Basics

1. What is your full name? Frank Archer. I don't have a middle name, and no, Frank isn't some sort of demented nickname. It is unfortunately my given name. I would prefer to go by Archer, thank you.
2. Where and when were you born? September fifteenth, thirty-six years ago. I was born in Central City and I have lived here the majority of my life.
3. Who are/were your parents? Reginald and Morgan Archer. My father was a State Alchemist and mother was a doctor. Both of them are dead.
4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? I don't have any siblings.
5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people. I currently live in Central City with Kimbley-- Ah, no, I suppose I don't live with him anymore since he got himself killed in Liore.
6. What is your occupation? I am a Colonel within the Amestrian military. My duties involve handling court martial cases as well as investigations within the military. The majority of my work consists of double-checking the higher-ups paperwork, unfortunately.
7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks. Why should I bother? --Alright, alright, fine, if you insist. I am 5'9", Amestrian, have black hair, blue eyes, no tattoos (they're terribly tacky), no scars, and no distinguishing marks. I prefer to wear the Amestrian military uniform, though if that isn't an option I will wear dress shirts and slacks. ...Maybe turtlenecks if it's cold. --What do you mean I forgot to mention my weight? That's hardly something that needs to be discussed! I'm average, thank you.
8. To which social class do you belong? Upper class. My family certainly can't compare with the Armstrongs, but I am wealthy.
9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? No.
10. Are you right- or left-handed? Left-handed.
11. What does your voice sound like? You expect me to describe this? (It sounds just like the English dub!)
12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? "I suppose so" and "I fail to see" immediately come to mind, though there are certainly others.
13. What do you have in your pockets? I fail to see-- Ah, I see what you did there. This is hardly an important question. I don't carry much in my pockets: my wallet, identification, keys, and a small notebook. That's it.
14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? I've been told I don't look at anyone when I talk to them, but I don't see how that's possible. What, you really thought I'd do that twice in a row? Please.

Part 2: Growing Up

15. How would you describe your childhood in general? I can sum it up in a single word for you, if you'd like: boring. Of course there are those who would blame my parents for never being around, or my lack of siblings for failing to provide me with basic human company of my own age, but neither of those things have ever bothered me in the slightest. My childhood was unremarkable.
16. What is your earliest memory? ...That's odd, I should be able to remember things from before I was six but... The first memory I have is of trying to properly understand alchemy. I wanted to get a head-start before my father started lessons... It didn't end well.
17. How much schooling have you had? I graduated high school and immediately went into the military. I don't regret it, but college would have been beneficial. I study whenever I have free time.
18. Did you enjoy school? Some parts of it. There were definitely things that were interesting, to say the least. I preferred school once my parents decided to hire a tutor to home school me.
19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? Books. About the only thing I didn't learn from reading was how to operate firearms. My mother can take the credit for that.
20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them. No, I didn't. I never felt the need to idolize anyone.
21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family? I never had any issues with my parents. I never got into fights with them. That wasn't just because they weren't home very often, but because I actually know how to feign respect.
22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A State Alchemist, though those dreams began to die quite early on. My dream is still to become Fuhrer.
23. As a child, what were your favorite activities? Reading, studying, playing piano, and archery. ...What, did you really think my last name was just for show? Please. The irony is too great to miss out on.
24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? The same ones I do now. I have always been quick to anger. I have always been mature for my age. There is really no difference outside of the obvious thirty years.
25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? No, I wasn't. I didn't bother making friends because I didn't need them. I didn't need anyone. The majority of the children were incompetent and immature anyway - there was no reason to bother humoring them while they were so beneath me.
26. When and with whom was your first kiss? It was with one of the maid's daughters who was around my age. She said she wanted to learn more about what I was studying at the time, then kissed me and ran off giggling. Of course I had her mother fired the next day.
27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? No, I'm not a virgin. Hilarious. I lost my virginity when I was twenty, after returning home from military training. The girl I had been dating for over a year was waiting for me at the manor; mother and father weren't scheduled to be back for another few days. We had sex. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't anything remotely interesting. I have never really been interested in women, after all.
28. If you are a supernatural being, tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today. Would you care to run that by me again? I'm not a Homunculus, unfortunately. I suppose the biggest influences I have had are my inability to use alchemy and the military. There's really nothing worth going into detail about.

Part 3: Past Influences

29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Commanding the attack on Liore. It was my first battle and it should have been my crowning moment. Unfortunately, Kimbley got himself killed and I'll admit, my decisions weren't very... thought out after that.
30. Who has had the most influence on you? ...Kimbley, I suppose.
31. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Managing to reinstate both Zolf Kimbley and Shou Tucker into the military after their numerous crimes. No one should have been capable of that. Of course this isn't the sort of thing I can tell just anyone, you know.
32. What is your greatest regret? ...Not attempting to do anything more to stop Kimbley from entering Liore. I should have done something...
33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? Are you serious? I sent seven thousand men to their deaths because my dead best friend was thrown off a rooftop by a man with no arms.
34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind? Of course not. I am a member of the military; that's frowned upon.
35. When was the time you were the most frightened? That's amusing. I don't recall the last time I was genuinely scared. I wasn't frightened when the array went off in Liore. If that didn't scare me, nothing will.
36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? The... ring. As Tucker so kindly pointed out, I gave Kimbley a ring in Liore. It was set with an incomplete Philosopher's Stone so he could at least protect himself...! But yes, that was highly embarrassing. I suppose it didn't help that I was bandaging Kimbley's injuries from his fight with Alphonse Elric when I gave him the ring...
37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? I would want to be able to use alchemy. It is through no fault of my own, but that would have make everything easier. I would have seen the war in Ishbal as well.
38. What is your best memory? I don't have one specific best memory. The majority of my memories involving Kimbley were good... Though I suppose nothing beats "the Fuhrer is a humanitarian."
39. What is your worst memory? Kimbley's death. He was kicked off a building by a man with no arms.

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? It depends on the situation. I suppose most of the time I am more pessimistic.
41. What is your greatest fear? My worst fear has already been realized. I lost the only person I cared about.
42. What are your religious views? I am an athiest. Religion in general is for the weak-willed who need something to hold on to. It's pathetic.
43. What are your political views? I support the Amestrian military the way it is. We do not need to change it in any way.
44. What are your views on sex? I don't particularly care, to be blunt.
45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? Oh that's hilarious. I am a soldier, of course I am capable of killing. There are those who are weak and who won't kill - but I am hardly one of them. Death is a natural part of life; it is inevitable. There is no reason for anyone to fear it. I have not directly killed anyone, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of it. There is no reason for this to change, and it won't.
46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? That's interesting. There are plenty of people who would call me evil for promoting war and wanting to kill others. Certainly that isn't something I mention often - yet for some reason everyone seems to know just how much I enjoy war. Hmm. Anyway, to answer the question, I don't believe there is a single thing that would be the most evil. I certainly don't approve of those who would harm cats, but that doesn't make them evil. ...That is the only example I can come up with at the moment...
47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? No. This is like religion, something ridiculous for the weak-willed to grasp at.
48. What do you believe makes a successful life? Serving a purpose. If you live and die without doing anything memorable, your life has been worthless. Mine will not be worthless.
49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? Why should I let anyone know how I feel? They will judge me as crazy, and that would certainly get in the way of my goals, wouldn't it? I'm never quite sure how to deal with feelings as it is - there are very few who will get to see those outside of anger, irritation, and smug satisfaction.
50. Do you have any biases or prejudices? Of course. I am obviously in favor of the military. Those who don't support it clearly don't understand just how important it is to the country. As I've mentioned, my religious views certainly qualify here.
51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? I refuse to even consider suicide as a valid option. I won't ever give up on what I'm aiming for, regardless of how impossible it might seem.
52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? I suppose I would die to protect the Fuhrer - but he is a Homunculus, and not much will be capable of killing him, if anything. I would not die to protect Kimbley, but I would have done everything in my power to ensure he survived the conflict in Liore. It's a shame I didn't know just how badly he'd be outmatched.

Part 5: Relationships With Others

53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? I never get close to anyone. Kimbley was an accident, and that was because he was living with me for several months. Friends are unnecessary, and in the end they'll get themselves killed by a man with no arms... --I seem a little hung up over that? Yes, I am. Scar had no fucking arms.
54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? Myself. As I said, I don't need anyone else.
55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why? Fuhrer Bradley, I suppose. He is a Homunculus, after all.
56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people. Kimbley was my best friend. With his death, I am back to having a grand total of zero friends. Ask me if I care.
57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person. No, I don't, nor do I ever plan on it.
58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. No I haven't. --What do you mean that was too vehement of a denial? I don't love anyone! What's so hard to believe about this? ...Very well, I suppose I was very close to Kimbley. It might have been attraction, but nothing more than that!
59. What do you look for in a potential lover? I don't look. There's no reason to. Unless it's a one night stand or something...
60. How close are you to your family? They're dead. I was never very close to them to begin with.
61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not? No I haven't, and I don't intend to. It would be better to pass down the family name, but I don't see that happening. I'm not interested in women after all, nor do I intend to adopt a child or anything.
62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? If I can't handle it on my own, clearly it isn't something I should be attempting. To put it bluntly: no one.
63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? I don't trust anyone that much. I rely mostly on my own capabilities.
64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you? ...This... is a dreadful question. I suppose only those who rely on my work would miss me.
65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why? There are plenty of people I loathe, but... Colonel Mustang. He has everything I've wanted - the ability to use destructive alchemy (he shouldn't play with fire unless he wants to hurt others!), a high ranking without even being thirty, and he's got quite the team of loyal subordinates. I suppose you could say I'm jealous, but that doesn't cover just how much I hate how weak he is.
66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I only pick fights when I know I can win. If it is in my best interest to stay silent, I will. I prefer to pick fights, but it's hardly appropriate most of the time.
67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? In social situations? Hardly. I follow examples rather than attempt to make my own. I take the leadership role on the field of battle - that's far more important and impressive.
68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? If they're soldiers, of course I do. Otherwise? Not at all.
69. Do you care what others think of you? If I didn't, I would have been thrown in jail or some sort of mental institution years ago. I only care to act normal, that way others will perceive me as such.

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? I like reading (mostly history and books on war), playing the piano and violin, spending time with Kimbley-- ah, I guess that last one doesn't mean much anymore. I also like... playing with cats...
71. What is your most treasured possession? I'm not a very material person. I don't care to hold onto things, but rather wealth. I suppose it would be the manor.
72. What is your favorite color? Blue, though a darker shade than the Amestrian military uniform.
73. What is your favorite food? I prefer seafood, especially lobster.
74. What, if anything, do you like to read? As I said before, books on history and war.
75. What is your idea of good entertainment? Watching Kimbley blow things up, as long as it's not cats. War. Classical music. Those are the only things.
76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit? Outside of drinking every once in awhile, no. Even so, I rarely drink enough to get drunk.
77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night? Reading, doing any paperwork that might have accumulated during the week, or... perhaps watching Kimbley cause explosions. ...I don't have much of a life, I never denied that.
78. What makes you laugh? There isn't much that genuinely amuses me. Kimbley's stupidity does, though it's mostly in hindsight. "The Fuhrer is a humanitarian" never fails to amuse me.
79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you? Killing or abusing cats. That's... about it, really.
80. How do you deal with stress? I clean. My apartment is spotless, of course, but I'll clean it repeatedly if I have no other way to take my stress out on something. Otherwise I will utilize the shooting range back at the manor... and then proceed to clean the entire manor.
81. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? I always need a plan. I tend to circle the point without saying much of anything if I don't plan out what I say; just imagine how difficult it is with other situations.
82. What are your pet peeves? Stupidity, people who whine about their own lives and shortcomings, the weak, messes, errors in paperwork (spelling, calculations, and grammar are all important)... dogs... Well, there are quite a few things that irritate me.

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

83. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted? I get up early enough to prepare for work and arrive exactly on time. From there I complete all my work (unlike a certain colleague of mine) and return home exactly at closing, unless there's a very good reason for me to remain later. Once home I usually read until I'm tired, and then sleep. There isn't much that does alter this routine - and normally I don't deal well with anything altering it. Kimbley altered it. I don't mind a bit of unpredictability in my life, but he really needed to stop blowing up the neighborhood cats...
84. What is your greatest strength as a person? My ability to command. I am one of the few soldiers who is prepared for war at any time. I will start wars when I reach the top. I will strengthen this country even more than Bradley has.
85. What is your greatest weakness? My inability to use alchemy. Not the fact that you're a social fail, Archer?
86. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? As mentioned above, my inability to use alchemy. ...I would prefer having smaller shoulders, though. I dislike being referred to as broad, thank you.
87. Are you generally introverted or extroverted? Introverted. I don't like interacting with others unless I need to.
88. Are you generally organized or messy? I am obviously organized. I wouldn't be very good at my job if I was messy, now would I?
89. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. Commanding, shooting, getting my way. Alchemy, reading some social cues, being patient.
90. Do you like yourself? Of course I do.
91. What are your reasons for being an adventurer a villain (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...) There is no reason to tell others that I wish to start war because I enjoy it. I insist it is because it will strengthen Amestris. While it certainly will, that doesn't mean it is my reason for wanting war.
92. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime? I want to go down in history as a war hero. Ideally this would be accomplished as Fuhrer, but I can settle for never reaching that rank and still starting wars in my name.
93. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Brigadier General Frank Archer sounds nice. I don't mind waiting a little longer to reach this ranking - I have gained two ranks within a remarkably short time, after all.
94. If you could choose, how would you want to die? I would want to go out in a (successful) final stand against an enemy. The sort of battle that turns the tide of war permanently. I would die as a war hero.
95. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. I don't need three. I would simply gun down everything and everyone who ever wronged me. After that? I would continue killing until I was stopped. Simple.
96. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? As I've mentioned, being a war hero.
97. What three words best describe your personality? Ambitious, determined, volatile.
98. What three words would others probably use to describe you? The same three, I'd imagine.
99. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? Oh man. Archer, where do I even begin with you? You really aren't as smooth as you think you are. You shouldn't hit on everyone. Yes, I know you're not trying to, but that tone of voice. Can you knock it off? Especially around kids? And the Fuhrer? And... everyone? Ugh. Okay, Archer you need to stop being so obsessed with certain people. You're obsessed with Kimbley in general, Roy's success, and... Fuhrer Bradley. None of these are okay. If you could get over Kimbley's death, that would be nice too! At least you're starting to refer to him in the past-tense-- /shot

Somehow or other the above didn't cover everything I have (headcanonly at least) for this moron. I'm not sure what to make of that. Well! Time for some more useless facts! They're in no particular order because what the hell is ordering this shit.

♕ Archer is left-handed, right eye dominant. The former is confirmed in canon (he uses his left hand the majority of the time, including while wielding a sniper-rifle), the latter is headcanon due to the fact that he apparently shoots with his right hand while wielding a pistol. He's trained himself to use both hands when it comes to firearms, but outside of that he is entirely left-handed.
♕ Supposedly, left-handed people are more creative. This really isn't true in Archer's case. He's the least creative person in the world. He doesn't care about art of any sort - with the exception of music. Archer is very fond of classical music and is actually quite skilled with a few instruments. He's been playing piano since he was old enough to read music (over thirty years for those keeping count), and he started playing violin in his teens. He's actually quite good at both - to the point that he will replay a piece repeatedly until he can hit every note perfectly. He can't compose music at all, but he does have a remarkably good memory and can play numerous pieces from memory. Archer can recognize a lot of music easily, but that leads to another problem entirely...
♕ Archer can't sing. At all. Period. In canon he's shown humming the same three tuneless notes. It's supposed to be Ode to Joy. Later Kimbley is singing the same song on the train to Liore. He can't listen to the song at all anymore without being reminded of Kimbley (that train ride was long, and Kimbley insisted on singing loudly the entire way). Quite obviously he nearly has a fit whenever he hears it - don't sing or hum it around him or you're likely to get hit with something.
♕ On the note of getting everything perfect (pun might be intended); Archer is a perfectionist. Everything must be perfect. While this sort of thing might work fine with music, it really doesn't help much when it comes to paperwork. That is the majority of Archer's job, which means he spends a large amount of time reviewing calculations, statistics, budget reports, and other mundane, but important documents. Someone has to take care of them after all! He might as well double-and-triple-check them for spelling and grammar errors! Archer has some form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, though just how badly is really up for interpretation.
♕ Speaking of perfection: cleaning. Archer will relentlessly clean anything he can get his hands on when he's happy or stressed. ...Which means he is constantly cleaning due to the latter. He can't stand living in a place that isn't spotless, nor can he stand anyone else living in a place that isn't perfectly clean. Clutter doesn't exist in his immaculate apartment. Unsurprisingly, he didn't get along well with Kimbley while they were staying together in Central. He's ridiculously efficient and can power his way through his apartment in under a couple of hours. Impressive, since he insists on deep-cleaning every month.
♕ Alchemy is a very touchy subject for Archer. He comes from a long line of alchemists and simply can't use it. He understands the majority of what he's learned, it's just putting it into practice. He hasn't been able to successfully activate an array. This frustrates him greatly and he naturally loathes alchemists for their capabilities, regardless of what they are. (There are really only two exceptions to this: Kimbley and Tucker. The former is due to the fact that he actually likes Kimbley, and the latter is due to Tucker's lack of destructive capabilities. Creating chimeras is interesting, but nothing he's jealous of.) He's especially jealous of alchemists who outrank him. Hi there, Mustang.
♕ Hughes left behind very few clues as to what he was looking into after his death. Archer was able to put these together to figure out just what was going on within the military. He knows more about chimeras and Homunculi than most people, having dealt first-hand with both. He was able to study Wrath for a little while before Izumi broke into South Headquarters and took the boy back. Archer knows of the following Homunculi: Greed (Kimbley gave him information on Greed, including just how important the skull was - Archer doesn't know how to kill a Homunculus, but he does know that the bones are important for stopping them, which would be why he kept Greed's skull in the first place), Wrath (he studied Wrath before Envy actually awakened him to his Homunculus potential, so his information is hardly complete), and Pride (the Fuhrer; knowing that the Fuhrer is a Homunculus has allowed Archer to get away with a hell of a lot more than most people, including reinstating both Kimbley and Tucker). He doesn't know of the others, though he is suspicious of the Fuhrer's secretary, Ms. Douglass (who is Sloth).
♕ Archer has trouble making direct eye-contact. This isn't anything he's even aware of, but when he's talking to others he very rarely actually looks at them. He tends to look just over their shoulder or in their general direction - but he very rarely meets anyone else's eyes. This is particularly bad when he's lying or avoiding mentioning something (especially when discussing his own feelings). It's very unsettling. Archer isn't afraid of making eye contact or anything, he simply doesn't. Feel free to tell him to look at you. He'll probably bitch though.
♕ There are several things that will drive Archer into a berserk rage. The first and foremost would be Kimbley. There's an awful lot about Kimbley that pisses Archer off (especially how fucking dumb he can be), but this mostly applies to the fact that Kimbley is dead. He knows this and he doesn't like being reminded of it. Don't correct him when he keeps referring to Kimbley in the present tense or he will bitch at you. He's prone to fits of rage when he's considered useless or worthless too - even though he fully acknowledges that he isn't worth as much to the army due to his inability to use alchemy. This would be why he commands rather than fights.
♕ On that note, Archer has never seen battle. Hell, he's only gotten into a few physical fights in his life. Logically this should mean that he isn't prepared for combat at all. In practice, he actually is. He knows how to command troops, including how to motivate and even get the soldiers to like him. Archer has no issues with watching others die. The battle in Liore didn't even faze him - at least up until the array was activated. Then everything went to shit...
♕ This particular version of Archer is taken from directly after the array went off, prior to receiving the automail. terminarcher is his post-automail journal. The automail instillation does change quite a bit when it comes to his personality, though the majority of this information is still relevant. ...Okay, maybe not, terminarcher really can't play the fucking violin.
♕ Archer was in the military when the Ishbal War started (he entered at age eighteen and has been with the military for eighteen years), but he was never deployed. He's been working with the Military Court for years and was one of the officers who dealt with Kimbley's court martial papers. He never actually met the man he just found him sexy until he realized Kimbley was only seventeen, whoops.
♕ What is with the cats? Well there are obviously numerous references to cats in FMA; though the first anime doesn't contain nearly as many. This is part of the reason why Archer likes cats. Cats are really the only "cute" thing Archer cares about - he will actively go out of his way to help a cat in need. He likes them more than he likes people. He absolutely loathes dogs, which might be saying something considering that the State Alchemists are called the "dogs of the military." Or perhaps it's saying something about loyalty...
♕ So who exactly is Archer working for? He's actually very fond of Amestris as a whole, and really won't betray his country unless there's simply no other way to accomplish his goals or save his own life. Archer knows of the corruption within the military, but he doesn't know that someone is controlling the Homunculi or even what their goals are. He is loyal to Pride (Fuhrer Bradley) above everyone else. This is partially because he is the Fuhrer, partially because he is a Homunculus. Either way, Bradley is one of the few people Archer would die to protect.
♕ Archer isn't a coward. He doesn't like to get into fights (unless they're gun fights and he has the clear advantage), he's not fond of putting himself into dangerous situations of any sort, and he's willing to side against humanity to ensure he won't be killed. This might point toward cowardice, but Archer genuinely isn't afraid of any of this. He has remarkably little self-preservation when push comes to shove. The array went off in Liore, wiping out everyone and everything it touched. What was Archer's default response? Defending himself. He's not very bright in that regard.
♕ Archer has difficulties sleeping. If he doesn't get enough sleep he'll be pissy as hell come morning, but he can usually function. The only problem there is that after a solid week without sleep he'll basically turn into a zombie. He'll do what he's told, and that's about it. He doesn't give much in terms of response, nor does he really react to anything. The only solution to this is to actually get sleep, which is much easier said than done. Archer needs to cling to something while he's sleeping. Unfortunately this can't be solved by giving him a pillow and leaving him alone. No, he'll cling to you. And don't try to move, that will wake him up. This wasn't much of an issue after he started living with Kimbley, but now that Kimbley's dead he currently doesn't have anyone to hug on while he's sleeping. Good luck dealing with zombie!Archer.
♕ Let's talk about Kimbley. Not only was the Crimson Alchemist Archer's best friend (he'll never admit that and still doesn't even realize just how close they were), he was also the only person Archer could really be himself around. There was never any reason to conform to society's norms around Kimbley, so he was free to be as crazy as he wanted. ...Which usually led to a lot of anger and beating Kimbley with his pistol. No big deal. Archer isn't aware just how deeply he cared about Kimbley - though he does know he was indeed interested sexually in the alchemist. He never acted on that, unfortunately, due to the fear that it would make everything awkward (oh yeah, and the fact that Kimbley might turn down his advances). TL;DR? Kimbley is dead; Archer's a basket-case.

!headcanon, !info

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