[A is for Age]
[B is for boyfriend/girlfriend:]
No thanks
[C is for favorite cake:]
the chocolate-chip cake my mom makes on special occasions
[D is for favorite drink:]
coffee for usefulness, iced tea for deliciousness
[E is for essential items you use everyday:]
pencil, eraser, computer, brain
[F is for favorite song at the moment]
I Go Where True Love Goes/Yusuf aka Cat Stevens
[G is for favorite game:]
playing Power Rangers in the yard
[H is for hometown:]
Philly pride
[I is for instrument you can play:]
piano a little, guitar a little
[J is for favorite fruit juice?:]
[K is for kids?]
No thanks
[L is for last kiss:]
Surprisingly, not very long ago
[M is for marriage:]
No thanks
[N is for # of siblings:]
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
Only one overnight, when I was very little
[P is for phobias:]
abandonment, failure, ghosts
[Q is for quote:]
Currently: "a moment of curiosity, some moment of speed and then hesitance"-shanon
[R is for biggest regret:]
None, there's no real point. <--(seconded)
[S is for self confidence:]
I pretend I have it
[T is for time you wake up:]
It's all over the place
[U is for underwear:]
[V is for vegetable you love:]
[W is for worst habit:]
[X is for x-rays you've had]
[Y is for yummy food you make:]
see previous post
[Z is for zodiac sign:]