Title: No one knows
Sohee centric 'cept not really.
Random drabble is random. I think I made both of them a little out of character, not really like the reals. My characterizations a bit off in stories in general. -_-;; but I wanted to try writing something with Sohee in it.
Is it possible to feel like pieces of me are dying without me myself being put in an physical danger. It's not even like my health is deteriorating either.. Every day, I feel like a little of me is going away and being replaced by someone else. Is this what growing up is suppose to feel like? Does everyone go through this? Did Sunmi go through this? I think as time goes on, I'm starting to see more and more of what Sunmi saw.
Being in so many new countries have been amazing, a blessing. I'm doing what many people dream of, so many people want to be in my spot right now but as time go by, I'm getting so tired. I miss home, I miss my family, my friends… I miss Sunmi. I love being with the Wondergirls, they're family as well, but it's different. I want to be home, home. I wan-
Pausing mid-sentence in her journal, the maknae, glanced over her shoulder, staring at the leader of the group, donning a pair of jeans and a jacket, a scarf wrapped around her neck, "Yeah unnie?"
Sunye frowned slightly, it wasn't like the younger girl to be oblivious to their time schedule, "Are you ready? We have to go in like 5 minutes."
Remembering their schedule, Sohee quickly put down the pen, closing her diary and throwing it in one of the drawers before grabbing her sunglasses. "Yup, let's go."
The frown was still etched across Sunye's face, she felt slightly uneasy, sometimes it was easy to forget that Sohee was only 18, still a child even if her mind was mature, "are you okay?"
Slipping into her jacket, Sohee gave the older girl a reassuring smile, "I'm fine, now let's go before we're late."
Nodding her head, Sunye made her way out of the room. She was probably just worrying too much, of course Sohee was okay. If anyone was more sure about themselves, it was their maknae. Even with that in her mind, the uneasy feeling never left. For a second, she thought of Sunmi, the last thing she wanted was Sohee to feel that way as well.