Sometimes running is an option...

Nov 01, 2012 22:32

Any anbu worth his mask knew the codes by heart.  Those codes could mean the difference between life and death.  Whether tapped on a tree, ringing forth as village bells, even passed along as hand signals, you knew them or you were dead.  This was an accepted known.

Some codes were standard to all ninja.  Some were ranked.  While others were specific to anbu. Not all codes were listed in the code books though…or taught in code classes.  Some were those that you learned on the job and you never forgot those.  Because those codes weren’t just the difference between life and death, they were the difference between escape and a much worse fate.

One of those codes was ringing now…anbu everywhere froze as the bells pealed out in a familiar sequence.  Originally designed for Tsunade it had been expanded to include her pink haired hot-tempered assistant and a certain anbu medic.  The bells silenced and anbu fled, wisely choosing to remember all prior engagements they may have forgotten in the past few years, up to and including visiting that crazy aunt that no one goes to see except under duress.  Some even ventured to go visit former enemies in the prison nearby, after all not everyone had a crazy aunt still living.

“Medic on the Rampage, level purple.”  Genma shrugged in the jounin lounge, not the one in the mission’s building but the one hidden away in a bar somewhere.  Some anbu were crazier than others, but they weren’t stupid.  Homicidal and possible suicidal, yes, but never stupid.  “Wonder who hid Tsunade’s sake this time.”

“It’s purple, not green” Raidou reminded him.

Genma shrugged, “all shades of color start with purple when Tsunade’s on the rampage.”

“Do you suppose we should go find out if she needs us,” a voice trembled slightly in the background.

His teammate patted him on the shoulder.  “He’s new, he’ll learn.”

Ibiki shrugged before looking straight at the nervous looking newbie, “first rule of anbu, if you hear that code run.  There is no thinking about it, just run.  Find a good hidey hole and wait for the all clear signal.”

“But doesn’t that leave the village vulnerable?” another newbie asked.

“Ain’t our fault those suckers haven’t learned to run either.” Someone yelled from the back.

“Tis true, would like to see some enemy try and invade when that code is black.” Kakashi snickered into his beer.

“Hear Hear,” Genma laughed.  “Be one sure way to ensure that they never stepped into the village again.”

“Cowards,” Gaara’s cold, emotionless voice cut through the laughter.

“So says the Kage who is hiding here as well.” Sasuke snickered.

Gaara glared.  “I am a visitor.  Therefore, you should be protecting me.”

“You’re a Kage, suck it up.”

“What happened to Konoha hospitality?”

“We haven’t sacrificed you on the altar of righteous female anger so count yourself hospitalized.”

“That just sort of sounds wrong,” Raidou sighed.  “You should probably stop while you’re both behind.”

“Stop what, talking or drinking.”

“Tsunade’s on a rampage.  Nobody should be sober for that.”

“Except Tsunade”

“If she wasn’t sober she wouldn’t be on a rampage.”

“Think we should invite her.”

“Depends, do you like your cock where it is?”

“Point taken.”

“If we are all hiding, who’s going to sound the all clear?”

Ibiki grinned sadistically, “We all thank you for volunteering.”

The poor newbie found himself shoved cruelly out into the streets with only his anbu uniform and a single kunai.  The warning of run for the bell tower if you want to keep all your male anatomy intact still ringing in his ears.  The door shut behind him, breaking him from his trance, running hell for leather toward the bell tower as fast as his chakra could take him.

“I suppose that might have been a bit cruel for a newbie punishment?”  Genma mused before shrugging, “Better him then me though.”

Kakashi drained his glass before setting it down and standing up, “I’d best be going though.  Iruka is due home and I like to be there when he gets there.”

“Domestic bliss doesn’t suit you,” Ibiki glared, “your losing your edge.”

“Jealous that I have someone to go home and screw senseless while your current lover is out on a mission” Kakashi gave a little finger wave, “enjoy your friends tonight.”

“Fuck you,” Ibiki snarled.

“Sorry, Iruka doesn’t like me to share the goods.”

Kakashi left in a swirl of leaves and laughter, taking the direct route home.  He wondered if the anbu had thought to teleport rather than run for the bell tower than shrugged, wasn’t his concern if the newbie couldn’t think under duress.


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