ceberus:/etc/cron.daily# cat iptable_stamp
Daily Cron Script
fname="iptables_report.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.html"
iptables_report_web.sh &> "/usr/local/var/log/$fname"
cp "/usr/local/var/log/$fname" "/usr/local/tmp/"
ftp -n ingenuity.dyndns.org < /usr/local/etc/ureport.txt &> /dev/null
rm "/usr/local/tmp/$fname"
ceberus:/usr/local/bin# cat /usr/local/etc/ureport.txt
FTP Control Script
quote user [insert username here]
quote pass [insert password here]
cd htdocs
cd stats
lcd /usr/local/tmp
mput iptable*
ceberus:/usr/local/bin# cat iptables_report_web.sh
Converts the "regular" text report to html
cat /usr/local/etc/header.html;
iptables_report.sh | sed "s/$/
/g"; #add
s to end of lines
cat /usr/local/etc/tail.html
ceberus:/usr/local/bin# cat iptables_report.sh
Outputs the text report
echo "Total: `iptables_bytesforwarded.sh | sum.sh | cmb.sh` MB"
echo "Zeus: `iptables_bytesforwarded_zeus.sh | sum.sh | cmb.sh` MB"
echo "Artemis: `iptables_bytesforwarded_artemis.sh | sum.sh | cmb.sh` MB"
echo "Ares: `iptables_bytesforwarded_ares.sh | sum.sh | cmb.sh` MB"
echo "Aphrodite: `iptables_bytesforwarded_aphrodite.sh | sum.sh |cmb.sh` MB"
echo "Apollo: `iptables_bytesforwarded_apollo.sh | sum.sh |cmb.sh` MB"
ceberus:/usr/local/bin# cat iptables_bytesforwarded.sh
Script outputs the bytecount for each rule. Run for output
iptables-save -c |grep FORWARD|grep "^\["|cut -b 2-|cut -d ":" -f 2|cut -d "]" -f 1
ceberus:/usr/local/bin# cat sum.sh
Script to sum the output from bytesforwarded
read line
let n=0
while [ -n "$line" ]
let n=n+line
read line
echo "$n"
ceberus:/usr/local/bin# cat cmb.sh
Rough conversion to megabytes, change the exponent of 1024 for GB/TB
read line
echo "$line/(1024^2)"|bc
ceberus:/usr/local/bin# cat iptables_bytesforwarded_zeus.sh
Bytes forwarded for an individual machine. You could get the ip
address from iptables-save -c and use dns to resolve their names.
Infact it would be a better solution then generating them all individually
although more complicated. Whatever. Do what you will, this works
for my network.
iptables-save -c |grep FORWARD|grep ""|grep "^\["|cut -b 2-|cut -d ":" -f 2|cut -d "]" -f 1
Example html output. You can get the header and footer from here.
IPTables Report - Olympus
IPTables Report - Olympus
Total: 16774 MB
Zeus: 3719 MB
Artemis: 44 MB
Ares: 263 MB
Aphrodite: 12373 MB
Apollo: 372 MB