Title: Glances Into a Spark - Drowning
Fandom: Transformers
Characters/pairings: ensemble
Rating: PG
Summary: Oneshots about any and possibly all of the movie cast, and then some.
Warnings: language
Notes: Old writing, in it's mostly original format (very minor corrections may have been made)
Table of Contents o o o
Theme #91: Drowning
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When Keller offered up a plan, he jumped on it. When the two hackers started demanding tools and equipment, he complied, running back and forth across the cluttered room, splicing wires and digging through boxes. When that chattering metal freak attacked, he defended his allies far too eagerly, losing himself in the fight.
He had to lose himself, had to fill his mind with something.
Because if he sat there and thought about what he had just witnessed, if he thought about that giant yellow bug reaching up and folding his life's work into a little box and driving away, he was going to go insane.