Title: Kick in the Head - BFF
Fandom: Transformers
Characters/pairings: Ironhide, Will Lennox, Wheeljack
Rating: PG
Summary: Even millennia of separation couldn't change how they felt about each other.
Warnings: Snark
Notes: Minor RotF spoilers. Mentions of events in
Watch close during that scene where the humans are running towards the camera and shit is exploding behind them. When Ironhide come's running out of the smoke, his cannon falls off his arm. The first thing I thought was that a certain someone would not be happy about this.
Table of Contents o o o
Will found it a bit odd that Ironhide seemed to not want to come out of vehicle form around the new Autobot arrivals. He'd shown no such reservations around Sideswipe's team; in fact, he was normally most eager to spend every moment he could standing upright. But soon after the initial greetings had been shared, before the Autobots could retreat out of direct human sight and share the more personal greetings between old friends, Ironhide had transformed back into a Topkick and not come out.
Will gave it a day, then one more for good measure, before he sought out the black truck. "So," he asked casually, leaning up against the nearest wall. "An old girlfriend that you dumped a couple eons ago?"
Ironhide let out a buzzing snort, settling on his tires. "If only," he grumbled. He didn't seem to want to continue, and Will was just about to prod him again when the truck shifted. "Wheeljack," he said. "The white one? He made me a gift, a long time ago. I have... misplaced it."
"Oh?" Well, this was interesting. "What'd he make you? A 'best friends forever' necklace?"
There was a pause, where Will was sure Ironhide was looking up the reference, and Ironhide snorted again. "We were hardly 'best friends'. Wheeljack made my cannons."
Oh. Ooooh. Will winced in sympathy. Ironhide's left cannon had been blown off in Egypt, and while the parts had been recovered, it was beyond even Ironhide's skill to repair. "He's going to be mad, huh?" Will asked sympathetically.
"Furious," Ironhide said dryly. Another pause. "Not that Wheeljack or I have ever needed a reason to lay into each other."
Will gave a half-grin. "You sound more like you guys were brothers than friends," he observed.
"It was a semi-friendly rivalry," Ironhide replied. "One that will turn distinctly unfriendly once he finds out that one of the two greatest weapons he ever built was turned into scrap."
Will gave a low whistle. "He's that good, huh?"
"He only built them," Ironhide was quick to point out. "I designed them."
Will laughed, straightening up again. "Well, that explains you staying on your wheels. But what if someone else tells him?"
"They won't if they know what's good for them," Ironhide growled.
"Ooor not," Will quipped, backing out of easy kicking range when Wheeljack came stalking around the corner, a rather amused-looking Ratchet tailing him. Wheeljack was one of the smaller mechs, just shy of Bumblebee's height, but what he lacked in mass he made up for in pure presence, looming over the big truck with little regard for the fact that Ironhide could probably run him over with ease. "Transform," he said, low and dangerous. "Now."
Ironhide backed up a little. "You had to tell him, didn't you?' he snarled.
Ratchet shrugged, crossing his arms with a distinct smile. Other Autobots were appearing, staying at a safe distance to watch the show, the spaces between them peppered with human soldiers. "He asked why you were so clearly avoiding him," the medic said. "I only told him the truth."
Ironhide spat out what was probably an alien curse and transformed, the lack of cannon on his left arm still a jarring omission. Wheeljack took one look at the bare, too-skinny arm and exploded. "What did you do?" he demanded, grabbing Ironhide's arm and tilting it to look at the still-scorched mounts where the cannon had rested.
Ironhide jerked the arm back out of Wheeljack's reach, poking the smaller alien in the chest. "I lost it," he ground out. "In battle. You know, that thing you avoid like the scrapplets?"
Wheeljack's eyes went narrow, and Will felt more than heard a faint whisper go around the circle of Autobots. "Oh, forgive me," Wheeljack said sarcastically. "I forget that you don't have any other way of being useful, aside from shooting at something."
"Well, with a processor that small, I'm not surprised," Ironhide retorted, folding his arms. "It's amazing you can remember the processes for rebooting out of recharge, let alone speaking in whole sentences."
Jeez. 'Friendly' rivalry? Will backed further out of range, not taking his eyes from the increasingly heated exchange between the two until he backed something. That something happened to be Optimus Prime's foot, and when he looked up to give an apology, he noticed that Optimus was smiling. "I'd like to point out," Will hissed. "That when the twins start posturing like this, you're usually the first to separate them."
"The twins cannot take me on in a fight," Optimus rumbled quietly, a laugh beneath his words. "Besides, Ironhide and Wheeljack have been separated for many long vorns. It would be cruel to take away their chief source of entertainment."