Last time I did a model car, it was a Rolls Royce and I was twelve. I had most of the parts painted, when my little brothers got a hold of it. They were three. I never did find the whole of it.
Fast forward to now. Sae is bored. Sae hasn't done anything artistic in over a year. Sae decides to make a model car.
Sae, naturally, gives it a name.
Verdigris, like Mirage, is a high-society mech. Unlike Mirage, he's a complete and total dickhead.
Verdigris completely supports the Decepticon cause - after all, is he not proof that Cybertronians are a perfect race? - but he'd rather have as little to do with other mechs as possible. He became an assassin specializing in sniping solely to ensure as little contact between himself, his victims, and his superiors as possible. In spite of - or, perhaps, because of - his anti-social nature, he's a shrewd and charismatic manipulator, with no qualms about taking credit for the work he talks others into doing.
The model is a Revell 2006 Shelby GT-H that cheerfully disregards about half of the paint guide. I knew I was going to put a 'con symbol on the center console, but I wanted to try and work one into the paint job, too, in some subtle manner. I think I succeeded. Except for the part where the masking tape didn't quiiiite stick to the atomic black paint just right, so the green pearl leaked under the edges. S'why the main body work looks a little... rough. Because it is.
The interior painting looks rough because I have the hand-eye-paintbrush coordination of a chihuahua on cocaine.
From the back.
And the interior. I should have done the exterior the way I did the 'con sigil here: slap on the green, THEN the black. It probably would have come out smoother.
One of these days, I'll remember to bring home and scan up the sketch I did in one of my work notebooks of his bipedal form.