Title: Happy Holidays, Ch4: Gift Giving
Fandom: Megaman
Characters/pairings: Rockman, Forte
Rating: PG
Summary: Even the worst of enemies can set aside their differences once a year.
Warnings: n/a
Notes: Old writing, from waaaaay back in the day, in it's mostly original format (very minor corrections may have been made)
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"Come on, guys!" Rock called over one shoulder as he ran through the parking lot. "Hurry up!"
"Rock, slow down!" Roll called. "We'll get there whether we hurry or not."
"But we'll get there faster if we hurry." Rock replied. But he stopped and waited for his family to catch up.
Blues rolled his eyes and snuggled deeper into his leather jacket, grateful for his scarf against the chill wind. It was three days before Christmas and the Light family was going to the mall for a big Christmas shopping event. Tables would be set up all over the mall where you could wrap your gifts for a dollar a gift. Sales happened everywhere and the restaurants were giving out free samples. There was a lot of people and Christmas cheer going on. Not the type of event Blues usually attended, yet Rock and Roll had somehow convinced him to go. How, Blues would never know, but here he was, walking through the mall parking lot and up the wide steps in front of the main entrance.
Rock spun around as they entered, trying to see everything at once. The three story main hall was full of decorations and people. He came back to earth when Dr. Light called his name. "Here, kids." Dr. Light said, handing them each a plastic card. "Please don't wrack up a thousand dollars in bills on me. Other than that, enjoy."
"Sooo . . . " Blues said slowly. " We can wrack up 999.99 in bills?"
Dr. Light laughed. "Just enjoy yourselves. We'll meet at the food court entrance at 5:30 for dinner. That gives you all four hours. Is that enough time?" They all nodded. "Then get out of here so I can get your gifts. And try to not get into too much trouble, ok?"
"Yes, Dr. Light!" they chorused. The three Light bots turned and looked out at the mall. Blues was the first to break off, then Roll, leaving Rock at the entrance. Rock shrugged, put his hands in his pockets and began to stroll through the mall. People streamed by on all sides, laughing and talking and reading over mall map pamphlets. Rock knew the building layout by heart, an advantage of having an artificial memory. He was glad no one recognized him as Rockman, the defender of the planet. For now, he just wanted to be Rock, an ordinary teen shopping for gifts for his family.
Rock wandered around for a while before seriously starting on his shopping. As soon as he found a gift he went to a wrapping table. He had wrapped gifts for Dr. Light and Roll already when he finally found a good gift for Blues. It was a black leather choker with a Celtic design burned into it. Rock grinned and went to wrap it. Just as he tied the last ribbon and was reaching for the name tags, someone caught his eye.
The person looked to be a teenage boy, nearly six feet tall. He was dressed almost like Blues did, black jeans and a leather coat. His hair was long and bright purple, hiding his face. Yet something about him picked at Rock, insisting he knew this person. Suddenly the boy looked up. Rock gasped, recognizing the red eyes and purple face streaks. It was Forte. He was watching the people go by, unaware that his rival was so close, a look of loneliness on his face. Rock felt something twist inside himself and looked down at the freshly wrapped necklace in his hand. His gaze ticked between Forte and the gift several times before he made up his mind. He hung his bags on his arms, picked up the gift and made his way around to where Forte was standing.
Forte remained unaware of Rock until the Light bot was close. Then he turned, his eyes going wide at the sight of Rock.
"Merry Christmas Forte!" Rock said before Forte could speak. He held out the necklace in its bright paper. "For you."
Forte's eyes went to the gift, then back at Rock's face, seeming to be unable to grasp exactly what was happening. He slowly reached out one hand and took the gift. He turned it over for a moment then looked up at Rock. Rock watched him expectantly. Forte slowly pulled the paper off and looked at the necklace, his face expressionless.
Rock smiled at him. "Merry Christmas!" he said turning and walking away.
"Rock!" Forte called. Rock turned around. Forte threw something glittering at him. Rock caught it in one hand. "Merry Christmas!" the Wily bot called, turning away and waving over one shoulder. Rock looked at the object Forte had thrown him. It was a silver ring, fashioned from three thin bands woven together. A turquoise bead was strung on each band. Rock turned it over, examining it, and then he slipped it on his middle finger. He grinned and walked off to find Blues another gift.