Well since today is Valentine's Day but yesterday was Friday the 13th:
I was thinking about a few years ago when my friend had a bondage themed party for V Day. Everyone had decked themselves out, a good friend was spinning and there was an huge bar set up with the heart/color theme; tons of cranberry mixers and cherry jello shots and berry wop among other things.
So this one guy we sort of knew was just getting plastered, but he was wearing a great costume and getting alot of attention. Everyone was loving him but he was definately getting out of control, and he definately thought he was the shit. We left pretty late, and I think the guy was in the bathroom at that point. The next morning we ran into each other and the conversation went something like this:
Nick: hey Michelle.
Me: oh hey, how are you doing this morning?
Nick: pretty ok, especially since I got so fucked up you know.. *starting to hint at something*
Me: *not taking the bait* yeah, you were pretty crazy.
Nick: yeah. *Pause* yeah, really crazy...I actually was puking up blood last night. It was pretty hardcore. *Bragging* But I'm fine this morning, can you believe that?
Me: Nick, all the drinks were dyed red.
A happy weekend to all of you sexy singles and couples.
your friendly neighborhood saetari_mey. *smooch*