Title: Drift Soft Sunset
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Ryan/Valera
Author's Notes: For
ships50 ; prompt 13; Tomorrow.
The sun shone like an orange beacon, searching for a happy moment that would make it somehow brighter. The sun was setting slowly, however. This little occurrence did not affect two people, sitting together on a dock, swinging their legs in the water.
Maxine leaned in closer to Ryan and he smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders.
“This is nice,” she said, softly, her head turning to look at him.
He rubbed her bare arm, sending chills down her spine.
“Yeah, it is.”
He leaned in, slowly, and kissed her gently, slowly.
She sighed into the kiss, pulling him closer to her.
They sat for a while, relishing in each other’s company. The next day they would have to go back to work, pretend that they were just friends. But, they could., Because as much as tomorrow wouldn’t be as pleasant as today, today could go on for forever, where as tomorrow could drift away.