Things that make you go "Hmmm," or, rather, "Wha...?"

Sep 27, 2008 10:59

ME (in e-mail to Plum's former owner): I was just about to put some banana bread in the oven, and ended up dropping the pan of banana batter because Plum was poised to jump into the oven. I clanged the pan down onto the top of the stove with a thankfully small batter-splash and shooed him away before he became an entree on tonight's menu. Whew!

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Comments 2

my_tw0_cents September 28 2008, 04:48:14 UTC
Hm, Plum sounds like a special cat :) I'm scratching my head a little--I can understand a cat wanting the warmth of an oven that hasn't been turned on, or, perhaps, is still cooling down after having been used some time before, but a hot oven? I was like, "where's Plum's self-preservation instinct? Can't he tell it's a little TOO warm??" But he sounds like a fun cat. If I were in the area, I'd totally be asking you to let me borrow him :D


Oven lovin' saffronjan September 30 2008, 00:37:13 UTC
I don't think he'd ever been around an oven that was fully turned on before (as Former Owner mentioned, she'd used her oven only for boot storage). I don't think he was aware there was any danger.

He will learn, just as he's learned that hanging around near the feet of a person that's cooking something yummy often leads to getting a scrumptious scrap or two. This home is a different one, but it's full of love.

Oh, and Bergamot doesn't cry quite as much now that Plum's around. It's not perfect-- she still gets lonely and cries every now and again-- but she doesn't feel as lonely with Plum in the house, which is a genuine bonus.

How is your fine ol' self doing?


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