The cars are made of poetry

Nov 15, 2008 10:44

This weekend trip to Vermont was simply not meant to happen ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

aquitaineq November 16 2008, 00:58:19 UTC
That's too bad :(

But maybe it was a good thing, maybe something bad would have happened if you had gone, so fate conspired to save you rather than screw you!
One of those glass have full things...


It's true saffronjan November 18 2008, 01:25:10 UTC
Having our vacation plans fall through was frustrating, but so many little things kept cropping up it was as if the universe were trying to tell us this trip was a bad idea.

And as it turned out, the weekend was a wet, gray, soppy mess, and we likely wouldn't have had much fun hiking out in that, so it was, maybe, a blessing in disguise.


branch_monster November 16 2008, 12:13:23 UTC
I'm sorry your plans fell through like that. I'm glad everyone is safe and sound, though.


Frustrating, but still-- everyone's safe saffronjan November 18 2008, 01:22:53 UTC
... and it turned out that the whole weekend was a gray, rainy, soppy mess, so we likely wouldn't have enjoyed hiking in the yuck anyway.

A blessing in disguise, perhaps.


thomasyan November 17 2008, 21:57:11 UTC
Bummer about not things working out, but as you say, at least it did so in a relatively low key way.

P.S. Are you going to be in Ithaca around Christmas/New Year? I'll be visiting my parents for about two weeks.


I haven't made my Christmas plans yet saffronjan November 18 2008, 01:21:30 UTC
I have an Open House scheduled for the collection on the 27th, which means I'll likely be in town until then. This isn't set in stone, though, as I might not have to actually be at the open house, depending on how well the docents seem able to handle things.

When are you planning to be in town?


Re: I haven't made my Christmas plans yet thomasyan November 19 2008, 07:08:42 UTC
I should get in on the Saturday before Christmas (the 22nd or so). I'll leave on the first Sunday in January.


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