Title: Bad Seed Author: Safiyabat Rating: PG Warnings: Depression Pairing: None - gen Word Count: 1,863 Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel Awesome Beta: SweetSamOfMine Summary: Coda to 11.03, "The Bad Seed. [Spoiler (click to open)]Sam reflects on Rowena's revelation about his deal with her to kill Crowley and what it means for his relationship with Dean.
Well, honestly Sam's turning over every possibility, the way people do when they can't sleep :)
But seriously. Dean's been reluctant to do anything about Crowley for a long time. Sam's been pretty firmly of the "kill him" camp since day 1, but Dean's found reasons not to do it for a while.
Comments 2
Oh, wow. Why did this possibility never occur to me?
But seriously. Dean's been reluctant to do anything about Crowley for a long time. Sam's been pretty firmly of the "kill him" camp since day 1, but Dean's found reasons not to do it for a while.
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