Title: Hell's Bells
Authors LJ Username:
safiyabatArtists LJ Username:
disreputabled0gPairing(s): Meg/Abaddon
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 16,603
Summary: When Meg is revived over a year after her apparent death at Crowley's hands she's startled to learn that the immensely powerful demon who disappeared back in 1958 has returned and is making a run at the usurper's throne. Of course she's all in when it comes to helping to take the smarmy bastard down - but can there be something else there?
Warnings: Gore, blood, violence somewhat beyond show-level and demons behaving like demons.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Or read it on AO3
Link to art masterpost
here Author's Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta
agelade, who was fantastic to work with and helped smooth things out and made things 10000% better. Also, I'd like to thank
disreputabled0g, who is the first artist I've ever worked with and made it a fabulous experience.
Disclaimer: Supernatural and the characters from the show are not my property. I make no money from this or any other work of fan fiction.