Title: Hunted Panther
Chapter: 1-5/10, + epilouge (they are more drabbles - ficlets)
Author: sagaluthien/ sagas_stories
Fandom: Dark-Hunter, RP
Pairing: Sean/Orlando
Rating: Varies from PG to NC-17
Warning: Au, set in Dark-Hunter world.
Prompt: witches (and the following is; Bitter, Rough, Wet, Blades, Arse, Steel, Green, Chain and Fifty)
Word count: From 122 (total 2549)
Is found here in my story journal.
Beta: Inwe
Disclaimer and Author's note: Not know them or own them. The stories are written for fun and for seans_50 challenge, so no thoughts of any profit. English is my second language so there will turn up chapters/stories that isn't betad somewhere during the challenge, so please have that in mind when you read.
Want to learn more of this you can read my story
Silent as a cat, which I wrote as Merry Vigorli exchange. This will be sort of prequels to that story and you see the half brothers Orlando and Sean.
Summary: The line between love and hate can seem very thin and you never know when things can turn out in the wrong direction.
Orlando knew that Sean had asked him to be careful, that Sean didn't trust Aeronwy. He was young in the Were-Hunter perspective, but believed there would not be any problems.
Orlando was taken by her and thought that he loved her. All too late he learned that he should have listened to his brother. Had he not met her he would have probably not got into all that trouble, making his family and relatives turn against him.
Aeronwy turned out to be a witch who didn't like the fact that Orlando could beat her with magic. After the first few times she turned on him and she became the reason that things got out of hand and it would continue for years.
Chapter: 2/10
Prompt: Bitter
Word count: 119
Sean saw how Orlando changed from the carefree soul to a bitter one thanks to how Aeronwy treated him. Sean had tried to warn Orlando that she wasn't a nice person, but even as a youngster his little brother hadn't listened to him. All Sean could do was to be there if things went wrong, as he suspected they would.
What he had felt and suspected had turned out to be true. Aeronwy wasn't a person to be trusted and she proved to be a vengeful witch. When she wasn't able to manipulate Orlando she tried to make Orlando lose control.
Everything escalated when she somehow learned what they were. What she began then even made Sean become bitter.
Chapter: 3/10
Prompt: Rough
Word count: 137
When Sean asked Orlando how things were with Aeronwy Orlando would say it was okay, even if Sean had clearly seen on a few occasions that it couldn't be. Sean knew that his brother could appear weak as he tried to see the good in all and then he had that point of view that he would not show his superior strength towards humans or women.
Sean recognized that, from the way Orlando was treated by her, it was just a matter of time before Orlando wouldn't be able to keep his animal locked inside and not get rough. Sean was amazed it hadn't happened yet. If it had been him, it would have happened long ago.
Nevertheless, he had to admire his little brother and could only hope there was so much more behind the façade.
Chapter: 4/10
Prompt: Wet
Word count: 157
The day things really went up for Orlando came and, to Sean's relief, it seemed he held in more than he showed. Of course things could have been going better than they had been.
When Sean hadn't been there when it started he could only do what he was able to and stand by Orlando. Neither would know where it would lead or for how long it would continue.
That very first night, however, was something that Sean could not forget. How a soaking wet and hurt panther had come and scratched on the door. At first he was not able to understand how it had come about, but after the spell Aeronwy put over him lessened and Orlando could project what happened Sean realised that it was his brother.
Sean, as a Were-hunter, had taken the panther in so that Orlando would not be killed, irrespective of whether he had been a real animal or not.
Chapter: 5/10
Prompt: Blades
Word count: 154
After that everything escalated, and of course it didn't remain only between Aeronwy and Orlando. She drew in her sisters, then their family and relatives. She was cunning and managed to sew ill thoughts which continued to be believed as truths.
It was those ill deeds which began the centuries of hunting of Orlando, which there never seemed to be an end to - at least, not until Orland was dead.
If he had appeared weak, it did not take long for him to show what he really had within him when things cut deep as blades into him.
Sean was the one that stood against the scheming and wasn't turned. The one that Orlando could come to in his moments of despair and when he needed to recover. Sean promised to always be there, but you never knew what was going to happen and your instincts are to protect the one you truly love.
Next drabbels