Title: Pilates
Series/sequel/universe: fat!dean verse
sagaluthienFandom, characters: SPN, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Rating, warnings: PG-13, chubby boys,
Word count: 194
sharpiesgalA/N: Written after
1_million_words, A to Z challenge
found here, also for
52_challenge prompt #42 pie, table
hereIt is set early in the verse and as of now it is number three, between Not Unnoticed (link comes when posted) and
Summary: A morning misheard question.
"Pilates? O heavens no!" Dean exclaimed. "I thought you said pie and lattes."
Sam laughed. It was so typical of Dean to think about food his first cup of coffee.
"We can probably get that after I had hoped you joined me to do some Pilates. I think we would feel better after that." Sam replied after recovering from laughing.
"I would prefer it in a switched order. I'm hungry, so please as soon as I get dressed let's find a place serving a variety of pies."
Sam thought about it for a while. "We can do that for once if you promise to join me in the program."
"Sure." Dean mumbled and then he had turned in bed pulling the quilt over his head.
"Then you should get up now, or…"
"Or what?" came from under the quilt.
"I change my mind, and I maybe change tactic."
"You're cruel." Dean did emerge though.
"No more than your own imagination." Sam replied putting on his jacket and left their motel room.
Dean shook his head. He couldn't understand what his little brother was hinting at. A pie would be so much better than Pilates.
*~* The End *~*