When Things Turned Out Differently - Masterpost

May 21, 2015 20:51

When Things Turned Out Differently

Title: When Things Turned Out Differently ?/? - Work In progress
Author: sagaluthien
Fandom, paring: SPN, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, ofc, omc
Rating, warning: R, blind'Sam
Word Count: (Will be annunced when completed)
A/N: This comes from comment_fic and j2_babygirl86 wished for "life in the dark"., on the theme Dark. Changing of the end, if things turned out differently in season 3 episode 15. What I thought to be a short story seem to turn out to one with several parts.
Link to the first one
Beta: Erfan Starled and others that helped
Disclaimer: Do not own the characters or people. I've not done this for money.
Masterpost: For the whole verse found here, as there is snap-shot, time-stamps, ficlet
Status: Work In progress

Summary: Dean came too late and he had to bring a damaged Sam to the hospital for learning there is nothing the doctors could do to save Sam's eyes.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3

work in progress, disability:blindness, masterpost, story:when things turned out differently, fandom:supernatural, type:chapterstory, character:bobby singer, rating:r, verse!blind!sam, character:dean winchester, challenge:comment meme, character:sam winchester

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