Author: Saga Chriztine “sagaluthien” Pettersson
Fandom: Real people: Orlando Bloom
Pairing: OB
'verse: Orlando Journal
MasterlistPrompt: # 18 black (
Word Count: 188
Rating: PG-13
sharpiesgalSummary: Orlando’s thoughts during the first days after his fall.
Version 1
I had never felt so devastated. Everything looked so bleak and hopeless.
“I’m sorry,” the doctor had said. “There may be a chance that you will never walk again.”
Those words just made my soul sink to my feet. The irony wasn’t lost on me. I couldn’t feel my legs. I wasn’t allowed to move and I had to get help to do the tiniest thing.
The minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like days. Worst was that it looked like I would never get away from the place I had fallen into.
I seemed to have all the time in the world to always regret my biggest mistake. I lay here and have no way to get away from my thoughts. I wished I could. Normally, I would have worked the dark thoughts out with exercise, but even that had been taken from me.
It was so bad that I couldn’t even let the tears run.
What would I do? How would I be able to live? What did the future hold for me, if I were unable to regain the use of my legs?
Version 2
I had never felt so devastated. Everything looked so hopeless.
The doctor telling me that I might not ever walk again had made my heart freeze in my chest. I couldn’t feel my legs. I wasn’t allowed to move and I had to get help to do the tiniest thing.
The minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like days. Worst was the fact that it looked like I would never get away from the place I had fallen into.
It seemed like I had all the time in the world to regret my biggest mistake. I lay here with no way of escaping my thoughts. I wished I could. Normally, I would have worked it all out by exercising, but all I could so was stare at the ceiling and count the holes in the tiles.
It was so bad that I couldn’t even cry. What would I do? Would I be able to live as a cripple? What did the future hold for me?
If you read both version I would like to hear which one you like best.