Drained (drabble+)

Oct 21, 2006 00:51

Author: Saga Chriztine “sagaluthien” Pettersson
Fandom: Real people: Orlando Bloom
Pairing: OB
'verse: Orlando Journal Masterlist
Prompt: # 71 broken (fanfic100) 12/100
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Beta: sharpiesgal
Table for all entries: At my story journal
Summary: Orlando’s thoughts of speaking about the same thing again and again.

They do not know how tiresome it is to answer their questions again and again about my broken back. Doesn’t everyone know what happen?

I have moved on. Haven’t I proved that? I have been in roles that have demanded a lot of me. I haven’t shied away from doing the stunts. If I hadn’t been well, would I have done that?

Sure it has been an enormous thing to do, to come back after the kind of fall I taken. If not for the operation, I knew I wouldn’t be where I am today. But, I wish they would give it a rest. I have told it so many times now that I start to get very, very weary about it. So much so that next person who asks might receive a vicious reply.

There are only so many times one can handle talking about something so life-changing. Add to that it is my personal life and they should know by now I’m not fond of talking about my private life. To avoid too much prying into my normal life, I knew that I had to share something else. Things concerning my films were not as satisfying the ‘piryas’.

fandom:real people, story:orlando journal, rating:pg-13, type:au, type:ficlet, character:orlando bloom, challenge:fanfic 100

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