Title: Emotional Drabble 1
Universe: I Can't stand this Emotional Violence
Author: sagaluthien/ sagas_stories
Pairing: Vigorli
Rating: PG to NC-17
Prompt: # tree
Is found hereBeta: MisstresKat
Disclaimer and Author's note: I do not know or own any of the characters. The stories/ficlets/drabbels are written for fun and for viggos_50 challenge, so I receive no profits. English is my second language so there will be some chapters/stories that aren't betad somewhere during the challenge, so please have that in mind when you read.
Orlando sat leaning towards the tree. It was one of the better days. He had dared to get out in the garden and tried to get some sun. Viggo wasn't sure if he was awake or not. Orlando had his shades on, which he seemed to always have when he went outside.
Viggo had made his way through the open door to see if anything would happen, but Orlando hadn't moved from the shadows of the branches of leaves. If Orlando had not change in the next twenty minutes, he decided that he had to go out and see what was happening.
Title: Emotional Drabble 2
Universe: I Can't stand this Emotional Violence
Author: sagaluthien/ sagas_stories
Pairing: Vigorli
Rating: PG to NC-17
Prompt: # apple
Is found hereBeta: MisstresKat
Disclaimer and Author's note: I do not know or own any of the characters. The stories/ficlets/drabbels are written for fun and for viggos_50 challenge, so I receive no profits. English is my second language so there will be some chapters/stories that aren't betad somewhere during the challenge, so please have that in mind when you read.
Viggo took one of the apples from the bowl at the bench and went out to the garden. He walked to Orlando, which sat in the shade of a tree. When his roommate had not moved a single finger for probably at least an hour, Viggo decided he better check on him.
Kneeling at Orlando's side, he offered the apple. First, Viggo placed hand on Orlando's arm to get a reaction.
"How are you? You been sitting here a long time without drinking or eating, so I thought you may want one." Viggo said.
Even if Viggo couldn't see Orlando's eyes, he thought he felt the brown eyes on him like they were telling him he shouldn't bother. Though Orlando took the fruit and rubbed it on his jeans, as usual he didn't say anything.
At least Viggo know he was breathing and looked as good as he could do. He only wished that the time until the guy was out of this depression would end soon, preferable the next day or that Orlando finally felt enough sure so he could confine in him and tell what really was troubling him. Viggo knew there was something Orlando refused to work with.