The things I do for you people...

Jul 06, 2005 13:23

Ok, Ya crazy lot!

Yeah, ya know me! I'm yer freakin' No Violence and Invocation Field, handling your loud-ass requests for all sorts of characters and enduring yer violent poundings!

Yeah, I know, why am I both? Because, hey, this is the Age of Multitaskin', baby, so I gotta keep up.

But seriously, gimme a break on the violence part. Don't you know how PAINFUL it is when I get activated by you crazy Sages!?! I just lost count of how many poundin's I took, and some names that where put through invocation went unheard because of of ya trigger-happy and fist-lovin' hooploops. Sheesh.

So now Things are gonna be a little... organized! And don't even think about it, ya overpowered naughty super-characters or mischief-makin' gods or horny-little devils, and including three versions of Lord Almighty! I'm as omnipotent as you are, so if ya mess with my ass for the heck of it, I'll mess with yours. So hence-forth, those dogged by gods or devils, got their gender changed without permission, and other problems such as mindfucking a child would be protected and rectified. unless of course the Mods decided to bend the rules... geez, cut me some slack!

EDIT: And what's up with all these gazzilion Anakins here anyway!?! And I thought handling multiple Spider-Mans was bad... Dainty Palpatina? the Paperclip??? Good God...

But still, I have an open mind. So I also come here with suggestions (other than BLANTANTLY USING MY FORCE FIELDS WITHOUT PERMISSION!!! GOD!!!!). I was considering havin' a 50-character-requested invocation limit a week or month, but since the mods are those I still hafta follow, I'm open to suggestions. So?

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