Ooh, lots of people here. Hello everyone! ~Waves~ I'm Tasselhoff Burrfoot, but you may know that already, or you may not. I can't say for sure since this is my first time here.. I think. I'm sure I'd remember if I'd ever been to a place like this before, but then I've been so many places that sometimes it gets hard to remember. You don't have a jail around here, do you? If you did I'm sure I'd remember that if I'd been here before, which I don't think I have.
Anyway, I have a question, which I'm sure you get that a lot around here but since I've never been here before.. that I remember, it's a new one.. because it's from me. As opposed to being from someone else who may have already asked some questions before and so you know what to expect from them and such. But then if you've heard of me then maybe you do know what to expect. Like this one time when my friends Raistlin and Caramon went back in time with me and Raistlin was saying stuff like "That guy there is going to destroy the city and blah blah blah" like he knew the guy personally, but he didn't cause it was in the history books that Raist had learned about it from. It was great cause Caramon went into this Istarian Gladiator camp, and he was all chunky from living with his wife and her amazing cooking, and he came out all strong and muscular.
So I was wondering, how do you get grass stains out of clothing?