Has someone ever hacked in to your livejournal?
Well today, while I was asleep, Sophia did
mine. That mean old woman was at it again, causing nothing but trouble. I swear, I am going to have to lock up the computer in a safe just to keep her away from it.
But then I would probably forget the numbers again.
Again, you ask? Well you see, when I first bought it, I tried making the combination something I would remember, like the time Mr. Happy would come on. Then they changed his time slot and I completely forgot the old hour he came on. So for months I couldn't get in to my safe. It took Blanche to figure out how to open it.
On a side note, Blanche is also a snoop. She goes through other people's things to see if they really are rich or just stupid. She said I was stupid for what I kept in my safe. And she's a slut for what she keeps in hers. Really, who keeps a Master Rider 9000 in a safe? She forgot to turn it off all the way when she placed it in there. For the next two days we wondered what that vibrating noise was until the door of her safe fell off it's hinges. The lock smith who installed it said he'd never seen anything like it, not the damage, the dildo. That sucker was the size of a horse!
He asked "Who's is that?"
Blanched twirled her hair over a finger and smiled at him like the slut she is "it's mine."
"Lady, I'm surprised you can walk after using it."
She sidled up to him and traced a hand down his arm and in a husky voice said, "you'd be surprised. Shall I show you just how well?"
He smiled at her.
She told us "Girls, get out, we're going to discuss terms."
P.S. We also got free deadbolts and new keys.
Any ways, back to Sophia. She is constantly getting in to things that don't belong to her. I've tried bribing her to stay out of it, Dorthy has tried threatening her with Shady Pines, Blanche has tried being nice to her, nothing worked. I guess if she keeps this up, I am going to have to call my Cousin Gustaf, he is an expert on dealing with troublesome wiley old goats.
Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with her?