Two questions.
To those who are wishing to help Giselle out, can I get those to respond to me as soon as possible? I need to know how many are going (Please no more than say four or five volunteers, this is a somewhat sneak and run mission, not a tromp and throw a parade mission) and what you can offer to the mission. I know that one of the volunteers was a hacker who I'd like to hear from, but I need another who may be a power weilder (I don't care what kind of power as long as it's useful) and maybe someone who has good physical strength in case we need to say... throw a few people through walls.
EDIT: I have volunteers:
jack_b_badd 1st_mistake,
selena_aneles, and possibly one more.
I have a wedding to attend. Long story short: it's in another universe entirely and the person who is getting married is very (read: he's like a father to me) very important. The problem is this, his house colors are green, and I've been requested to wear the house colors since I'll be representing his family. While I don't think I look too terribly bad in green, I really don't want to end up looking like the Joker in a dress (namely purple (hair) and green really aren't cmoplimentary colors unless you like looking like a pimp). This isn't a peasant wedding either, it's a really important and fancy royal wedding. So anyone want to help me out here? Preferably someone who knows which end of a dress to put on.
Oh and Frost, your father was in here snorting like a mad bull. Just thought you might want to know. And Frost? if I see him outside the nexus can I hit him with a bus?