Jun 26, 2008 05:09
Silabus is sitting in front of the Sign, looking much different from usual. He's taken off his green vest to reveal the white top underneath it, is minus his usual rather silly pants in favor of a pair of knee-length shorts that match his top, and also seems to have misplaced his gloves and shoes somewhere. He's got his hair pulled into a very tight braid, as well, and someone must have rather neatly wound it into a coil at the nape of his neck and pinned it there for him, as it seems like something he wouldn't be able to pull off without staring into a mirror and practicing it for days on end.
As for the reason he's so unusually dressed, it's simple - he's soaking wet, as if he's just run through a sprinkler (which in fact he has), and the rainbow of paint coating his hands and lower arms may also have something to do with it.
He frowns down at his hands, then puts them to the large sheet of paper in front of him and draws a few large swaths of blue and green along the bottom.
As he works, he speaks absently, "Do you ever find yourself wanting to do things other people would call childish, but they're really fun anyway?" He probably means things like the finger-painting and running through sprinklers.