Jun 27, 2008 18:33
There's a short blast of alarms, a warm draught of air smelling very familiar to anyone who's visited a Yeerk pool, the sound of shouting and not a few screams...
And then it's all cut off as a male human dashes into the Nexus, and the door closes behind him. He crouches inside for a minute as he catches his breath, one hand holding the lid closed on the plastic bucket cradled in the other arm. Anyone watching will notice the sheer unremarkability of his appearance, right down to the generic looking blue uniform. (In fact, it's almost too unremarkable, if you think about it...)
He looks up and around him, frowning. No alarms, and the decor's weird, and he's sure he's never seen this part of the pool complex before. "Uh," he starts, looking around at the Nexus-goers, "you realise there's an alert on outside, right...?"
Then he looks up, and realises he might not be inside, as such. But that's damn well impossible. He stares at the sign for a moment, then checks the bucket, holds it more carefully, and clears his throat. "So... ever get the feeling that all the rules've gone and changed on you?"