Title: Close Your Eyes and Pretend (Sequel to "Confessions")
Chapter: 017 / 22 (so far)
Author: sahbeL
Rating (for this chpt): PG15 - ratings will change with each chapter for Adult themes. This post will be f-locked at my journal 72hours after posting.
Warning (for this chpt): Angst and adult themes as usual.
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Comments 44
I fear for those two...what will Jake be doing to them...this is so nail biting.
Dont let anything happen to them!! please..
though im proud of min who finally knew about what had happen to jae!!
oh no,please.. just make that psycho arrested!!
he’s crazy!!
aigo these 3 even enjoy eating,while jaemin are in danger!! just go to hospital and save them!! ><
and,and.. you said you already working on the 23th chapter,yet you just updated ch.17!!
gimme the other chapter please,like..soon!!
im dying in curiosity.. T.T
Maybe coz I don't update regularly ><" Mianhae lols. Anyway, I'm adding you back now! So glad you caught this fic, better late than never, right? & make sure you start with the prequel, k?? Confessions of a Broken Heart =P
Happy reading and thanks for the add! ♥
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