Title: Confessions from a Broken Heart
Chapter: 10/ 13 or 14...
Author: sahbeL
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys. <3
Characters/Pairings: JaeHo/YooSu
Summary: “JaeJoong-Hyung! IF you had to choose between your own life and the success of Dong Bang Shin Ki, which would it be?”
Author's Notes: Sorry it's been awhile! Can you believe this is
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Comments 46
*still in the state of crying*
please let jaejoong wake up.....
kudos for being first xD thank you for the r&r!
I can feel Yunho's pain....
Please wake up, Jae.... for Yunho and the others
stay tuned for the next chapter and thank you so much for your r&r. :)
And I can't Think properly.
I am sooo sad.
I just hope Yunho will confess his love to Jae soon.
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glad to know you're keeping up with the music cues! i really love it when the music works with the scene and brings out a good reaction from the reader. :) Thank you so much for your continued support and r&r & stay tuned for the next chapt. Only a few more til the end of Confessions..
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