Today was an interesting day! Yes! Well, I was way late getting out of the house today, so i just grabbed a big bag of orange wafer and cream treats to eat on the way and hurried out. Needless to say, I could only eat so many before they started making me sick, and I was still hungry
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Comments 5
On a serious note, why did you not hang around for this Justin guy? Seriously. I would have, but I have no scruples and enjoy random excuses to meet people.
Also: congrats on the job. Hopefully it won't be a totally crappy fast-food job. Me, I need to find on-campus work here, as I need money A LOT. Being an international university student in Canadia allows them to dip into your pockets and start sucking.
As for the caffiene/boner thing... what the hell? That's weird, but interesting. Makes for good knowledge to give to your partner. "Hey, a bottle of cola can perk me right the fuck back up!"
Have fun with things and such, Sai.
Unforunately, he leaves just as my first class starts, nyah. :3
I'm excited for my job, though!
And I hate stupid people with stupid links. D: Sorry people have to be retarded.
*final fantasy victory song plays*
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