How to use Russian railroads site.

Aug 04, 2012 02:02

Hi guys!
As I promised, I wrote you an instruction.

Ok, web address is

There you can see next link:

If you choose it, you will get to the main form of trains search:

You need to enter a point of departure, destination point and date.
These are Russian cities names in Cyrillic. You just need to copy third word (red one), put it to necessary form and choose first variant from the list:
st.Petersbourg Санкт-Петербург Санк
Moskou Москва Москв
Yekaterinenburg Екатеринбург Екатер
Irkutsk Иркутск Иркут
Ulaanbator Улан-Батор Улан-Б

Then you need to press "Buy ticket" button.
You will get to the trains list. These are all trains for chosen date. Be careful with the time. Do not forget, that 00:10 is actually the night of previous day, but formally is the next day. :)

Here you can choose appropriate train. You can use Car type filter. I recommend you to choose 2nd, 3rd and 4th ticks.
Car types
Сид Sitting Usually they are very cheap, because you have to sit whole ride. But we have also fast trains with sitting places from Saint-Petersburg to Moscow and these trains (Сапсан) aren't cheap. But fast. It takes about 4 hours to get from one city to another.
Плац 3rd class
Купе 2nd class
Люкс 1st class
Мягкий SUPER 1st class (I have never seen such cars, since they are too expensive :) )
So try to find train with a lot of free places (of necessary type). Because there will be better chance to get good place.
Then you need to put point across of necessary train and press "Continue" button:

Ok, now you can see actual number of places in different cars of the train.

We have 4 types of places for the 3rd class cars:
Нижние Lower shelfs. Best choice .
Верхние> Upper shelfs. They are not so comfortable, since you can't sit there.
Нижние боковые Side lower shelfs. They are not so comfortable, since all passengers will walk beside you
Верхний боковые Side Upper shelfs. Totally uncomfortable, since they combine disadvantages of previous two.

Also there are "bad" places. There are 54 places in the 2nd class car. Places from 1 to 28 numbers are good. Odd numbers (1,3,5... ) are lower shelfs. Even numbers (2,4,6...) are upper shelfs. Places from 29 to 36 (last two rooms) are not so good since they are disposed near the toilet. So there are always a lot of walking people and a cigarette smoke. Places from 37 to 40 are worst places, since they are near the toilet and they are side shelfs. And places from 41 till 54 are just side places.

These are schemes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd class cars:

So if you see only 2 free lower shelfs in the car, they are definitely will be in the last room near the toilet. And for me it is better to take two upper shelfs in the beginning of the car instead. :)

So you can try to find out necessary trains and write me their numbers and car numbers. Or just give me necessary dates and I will try to find appropriate variants. :)

Best regards,
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