oh honey.. i don't really know what.. happened or something but i can imagine some things. I'm really sorry for you you know, i also feel like i can never continue without Him.. although i try. And if you read my english posts you know i meet alot of other guys :p bu they never compete with Him. And that's sad. Really. Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie.
Don't cry for and suffer for someone who doesn't take care of your feelings. If she is making you to cry, then she doesn't deserve you. Maybe you're not "someone without future", maybe she is who doesn't have future. Don't lose the most precious for something useless. It's like a golden ring in a pig nose.
I'm very sorry -hug- ♥♥♥. It hurts right now without her, but with time you will heal. I've been heartbroken to the point where I thought I could never heal and drowned in depression. It took a while, but I did heal.
**HUG**C'est difficile de se retrouver seul après une vie à deux...mais tu vas t'en remettre.You are strong, I know that.Tu vas redécouvrir les choses que tu aimais avant qu'elle apparaisse dans ta vie. Courage! Il y a plein de choses à faire; plein de gens merveilleux à rencontrer(comme toi).
Comments 10
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie.
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You can too, just hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on!
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