Title: Korea?
Author/Artist: Me.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): North Korea and South Korea.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Twincest.
Summary: Umm, basically North Korea is lost in thought thinking about who is Korea, him or South Korea, or did Korea just die 60 years ago when they were split into two different governments.
Korea? )
Comments 12
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And I'm so glad that you liked it!
Glad to seal it for you.
Yeah, it's a really interesting take on it.
I mean, they are Korea, but at the same time, they aren't.
In terms of Hetalia, the Korea that grew up with Japan, would not be Im Yong Soo, because he is South Korea, so it's not him, but it is him, because he is still Korea and looks like an adult and not a kid, like Sealand, who is basically the same age as North and South Korea.
Powerful that is for sure. Nice job~
And glad that you felt it powerful, because I wanted people to feel these things, I wanted to make an impact, and I wanted people to see that yeah, Korea is OLDER than Japan and, though it's not really shown in much details in the fic, but I wanted to show that Korea and Japan no longer get along, because of Japan's colonization of Korea.
But you are very welcome~ Always eager to read a fic against the norm. There usually very interesting :]
By the way your icon amuses the heck out of me xD
Yeah, I really don't like fics, like with South Korea, where he is so hyper active and stupid and a Japan lover and so on, it's like, there is so much of his character that is lacking and that is just a real waste. With my fics, I like them to be real. I like to base them off some concrete, not something that just randomly popped into my mind that is more crack than a real fact. And I just am really loving the Koreas and I want people to know about the hate that there is between Korea and Japan, because there are just too many fics out there that has Korea loving Japan and it's like, read a book and you'll see what was done to the Koreans by the Japanese and not just the Koreans, the Chinese too and other Asians. Woot! Babbling. :P
Glad it amuses you. :P
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Glad you liked it. It's like whoa how different those two are, it always amazes me when I look at pictures comparing the North with the South.
Thank you for the comment!
I fapped as well.
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