The Office

Jun 26, 2011 09:47

 Massu is a very organized person. He likes everything to be in place ; neat and dirt free. He also can't live with things unplanned and unfinished business. He just can't. Even during work days when everything needs to be in place.

He wakes up every morning, cooks himself breakfast, goes off to take a bath and dress up. Leave his apartment 20 minutes before work officially starts and there, five minutes before work, he's already prepared to type everything that is needed to be typed. Paper works, sales, stocks, and even his manager's work. But he really can't decline the offer. But it really wasn't an offer because Nishikido-san threatened to cut off his salary by 50% if he didn't finish the left-over work.

Well, there it goes. The longer hand of the clock hitting 12 as the shorter one hits 8. Off he enters, Mr. Tegoshi who's always late. Well, he's never really been a pain in the ass. Just always a bit late and it's disturbing Massu in a way that's different. Tegoshi enters the office always out of breath. Massu presumes that he was running on his way to work to catch up. And as always, Nishikido-san will scold him for being 3-4 minutes late. Massu cannot concentrate with a little bit of distraction, he reasons out. But nobody would care anyway. Tegoshi will always greet him last, because their cubicles are adjacent to each other. The youngest employee will always flash that cute smile of his as he says his regular "Good morning, Massu!" and Massu will greet back.

15 minutes before lunch, they're allowed to take a break, so 1 hour lunch plus 15 minutes break before that is equal to 85 minutes of lunch. But Nishikido-san is suck a bad-ass and they're only allowed to eat lunch at exactly 12, so that 15 minutes is basically useless. Massu used it for unwinding time, but Tegoshi is there, a threat. Plus, Koyama will convince Shige to visit Tegoshi's cubicle, so the 4 of them always ends up talking to each other. And 15 minutes put to waste, well, as for Massu it is.

Lunch strikes and Massu is supposed to be eating alone, but then again, he has 3 other work-mates to worry about. Yamashita-kun is there on his bento, like there's no other people around. He has his own world and his office mates are convinced about that somehow weird fact.

1 hour is damn short if you have Tegoshi talking about the new Seventeen issue, or Koyama always scolding Shige because he's eating messily. What the hell. If only Massu can ditch work and live without working and still earn plenty of money. But that's impossible, and insane because he can't live without doing anything. He goes to the gym during weekends and on his free time, or maybe visit his parents. Or visit his high school friends who lives nearby. He never rests. Well, he does, and he tries, but he can't. And he feels like his life is full of garbage and he already needs to clean up.

Well they finished eating and damn they have work to do and Massu is not the type who will procrastinate. Or else he'll be staying longer if he didn't resume immediately. Another reason is he doesn't like staying up late with Yamashita. He's a bit awkward. Massu is awkward himself. It's just weird.

It's been 3 hours and it's a little strange if Tegoshi isn't talking to you in one whole minute. Normally he'll be talking non stop about soccer stuff, or maybe influence Massu into liking skulls, too. Turns out the younger boy is quiet today. Massu received a PM from Koyama saying "His bento is lacking one egg roll. He's disappointed." And Massu find it so weird for Koyama knowing why was he curious about Tegoshi being like that. It's like Koyama can read his mind. He looked over his cubicle to check on the older guy, and Koyama just smiled at him. This office is full of weird people. Minus Shige.

30 more minutes and work's about to end. No Tegoshi talking, huh? It's depressing. No. Wait. It's strange. And for 2 years, Massu have been working here. Every day Tegoshi's been talking non stop. He's kind of immune to it that if the younger boy stopped talking for even a minute, it's like the world has stopped.

He came to a conclusion.

"Tegoshi, ano, when work's done, I'll treat you out for gyoza." Then suddenly Tegoshi's face lit up like a light.

"Really, Massu?! Yay! Wait up. Let me finish this."

"Eh? Massu, what about me and Shige!?" Koyama complained.

Shige tried to convince Koyama that he shouldn't bother Massu, but then it's Koyama. Who wouldn't say no to Koyama? (besides Ryo and Yamashita). The four of them ended up eating dinner together in a cheap but good restaurant nearby.

But then it made Massu realize that even how much his work and the people around him are frustrating, it doesn't even matter because it makes him happy though. Happy because Tegoshi is there, keeping him entertained. Koyama is there when he needed extra money, or someone who can help him with Nishkido-san's offer, and Shige being his talk mate sometimes when he needed someone serious to talk to. Sometimes Yamashita when he needed extra staple wires (because Yamashita's weird like that), and even Nishikido-san, who gives him extra work, which means extra income, but more stress, but it's alright than nothing.

There's someone he'll stick with. And it's all in the office.
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