One of those meme things

Feb 12, 2015 15:57

Just to fill the time, I thought I'd do one of those "just how old are you on the internet" kind of things.

1. How many jobs have you had?

Hotel maid, insurance loan clerk, Navy (tech, career counselor, instructor), purchasing clerk, computer lab maintenance, electronics technician, technical writer, clerical/administrative (educational)

2. When did you first connect to other people via computers?


3. We're/are you on AOL? Compuserve?LJ?Dreamwidth? A listserv? other?

AOL (way back when, no longer). Current - LJ, DW, Tumblr, Pinterest

4. If you went to college, does you major match your career/current job?

No, majored in Anthropology, now work in education administration

5. Have you had a mammogram? Colonoscopy?

Mammograms yearly for a while now. Colonoscopies every 5 years (mother and grandfather had colon cancer.)

6. When did you get your first cell phone? What was it like? (have a screen? text abitily? a brick or flip?)

First cell phone around 2006, a flip phone. I only got it so my daughter could be on my family plan, since her credit was so crap she couldn’t get her own. Then I got rid of it when the governor screwed the public employees over with his 2011 budget and I lost $150 a month in pay. Got one back when my roommate moved in 2-1/2 years ago and she put me on her family plan. It has a screen and a QWERTY keyboard, but it's not a smart phone.

7. When did your family first acquire a color TV?

My ex and I acquired our first color TV (this huge Magnavox console) back in 1979 when we were stationed in Memphis. I’ve had color TVs since. My parents didn’t get a color TV until 1989 when I gave them one of mine, since their B&W was dying of old age (it had to be close to 30 years old.)

8. When did your family acquire a second TV?

My parents - never. Me, I’ve got four at home right now. I really need to get rid of at least two of them; they’re old CRT versions, non-digital, really can’t do much with them anymore.

9. Did you ever own designer jeans?

Never - none of them have ever fit me properly. Store brand or Lee’s; even Levi’s never did the trick.

10. Have you ever been to a disco?

Oh, yes. Memphis had one called 2001 Odyssey, and there was another one I went to with some Latino friends (also in Memphis) that I don’t remember the name. They taught me how to salsa and to disco.

11. How many places have you lived in?

Oh, my. Uh, hell, easier to list them, so let’s go:
Milwaukee, WI (x2)
Madison, WI (x3) - current location
Fort Atkinson, WI
Orlando, FL
Memphis, TN (x2)
Jacksonville, FL
Yuma, AZ
San Diego, CA (x2)
Mountain View, CA (x2)
Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territories
Norfolk, VA (x2)
Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain
Rota, Spain
Ann Arbor, MI
Ypsilanti, MI

Some of those were for very brief amounts of time, usually training on a new piece of equipment or program for the Navy. But if I was there for more than a month, I’m counting it!

12. Have any of your contemporary friends died? (people more or less your age)

Just last month, lost an online friend out of the blue. I still don’t know if they have a cause of death yet. Have lost some old classmates to cancer, AIDS, terrorism, heart attacks. Some of these years ago (cancer at 18, terrorist attack at 27, heart attack at 56, the whole gamut. My age is showing, here.) It’s a fact of life; we all can’t live forever and you can go at any time.

13. Are your parents still living?

My father is - 91 y.o! My mother passed away in 2002 at 78.

14. Do you have any gray hair?

Only my hairdresser knows for sure, and my hairdresser is L’Oreal.

15. Did you or your family own a Betamax?

Nope, early adopter of VHS.

16. How did you spend New Year's Eve 1999/2000?

Jimmy Buffet concert at the Hollywood Bowl.

17. What the oldest article of clothing you still wear?

That’s tough. I’ve changed sizes so often and purged my closet so many times, I don’t think I wear anything more than 5 years old and there’s a lot of it. I take that back; the sweater I’m wearing right now is 13 years old. I go through stages where I wear the hell out of something, eventually shove it to the back of the closet and then resurrect it years later (if it’s a classic that never goes out of style.) Goodwill loves me and my taxes love me, because I can write all that donated stuff off and actually get a refund.

18. Do you eat your veggies?

Oh, yeah, gimme all the green, red, yellow, purple, I don’t care, I love it all. Even broccoli and Brussel sprouts.

19. Are the privileges of adulthood worth the responsibilities?

Not really. The stress of responsibilities outweighs the pleasure of the privileges in many cases. Especially when those responsibilities are other human beings.

20. Do you feel like an adult?

More than I want to.

21. Is youth wasted on the young?


meme, showing my age

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