Challenge #62 Submit

May 22, 2010 20:14

This week we'll focus on Naru Osaka & Gurio Umino!
Challenge specifics: You may use any images as long as they focus on Naru Osaka and/or Gurio Umino.

You may submit up to FOUR icons to this challenge.
All icons must fit LJ standards (100x100, 40KB, .gif, .jpeg, .png).
All effects are allowed, brushes, textures and blending are welcome except for animation.
You must post your icons including icon itself and the direct URL to the icon.
Please also state here whether you'd like a banner made for you in case you win.
Keep icons anonymous. You may not submit an icon that you have used or posted elsewhere.
Deadline for this challenge is Friday 08:00 pm CET time zone [GMT +1 hour], May 28.
Have fun!

Here are some pictures to get you started:

All images are from and google image search.

Entries: 03

All winners, unless specifically requested, will be nominated at awards_anime.

Community links:
suggestion post
co-mod application

challenge #62

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