More claims for
X-over: Supernatural/Vampires: Los Muertos, Ellen Harvelle/Derek Bliss
A couple years back, I was talking to
just_kaye about potential pairings for "Lacerated Sky," and as a SPN/Vampires: Los Muertos x-over, she suggested Ellen/Derek. I rejected the idea at the time because I didn't like Ellen at first, but as I've warmed up to her, this pairing has become a lot more attractive.
The line is blurred
I walk the line
Crossed that line
Line drawn in the sand
Walking a fine line
Drawing the line
Don't cross this line... okay, this line... okay, THIS line...
What color is the line down your back?
Line drawn down the middle
A thin line between
Supernatural, General Series
Don't even breathe I didn't mean it/I didn't mean toThose lights hurt my eyes
I told you so
Get up!
Don't even...
You were right
I thought I was doing the right thing
I blocked it out
Silent treatment
#2 I didn't mean it/I didn't mean to: Tuck Those Ribbons Under Your Helmet. NC-17. Winsister/Castiel, Winsister/Ruby, Winsister/Dean, Winsister/Sam, Winsister/Adam (in a dream), Sam/Castiel/Dean. The hunting life isn't easy on anyone. For Kerry Winchester, it may be too much. The worst, though, was being in love with a multi-dimensional wavelength that may not ever love her back.
#1 Don't even breathe: "Beloved Sin." Rated R. Dean/Paul, Ruby/Mr Friendly. The Relic must die.