To start off, do you guys still read this thing!? XD Poor neglected livejournal, its sad that you only get updated these days is in regards to crazy German girls, whats next, Chinese crazies?! No wait, that's already been done. Fuu-fuu
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Leave me an anonymous comment pouring your heart out. Say anything. Tell me your stories, your secrets, those things no one ever asks but you wish to tell. Tell me about your love, your hate, your indifference, your joy. Tell me about what's inside of you when you're reading through these entries on your friends list, and tell me why you continue
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I got banned for posting in the girls account asking her as to why she was running around saying my pics were of her friend/my cousin. *_* so apparently THATS herassment..and what she did wasnt... ::dead:: XD i havent gotten any e-mails from deviant and i dont feel like explaining what
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man its never friend Michitofu made this post regarding our run in with the chick from last night..on deviant art..well here is michitofu's run-in with crazy lady!