+ B A S I C S +
Name: Telle
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Horoscope: Aquarius
Does your sign fit your personality? I'm not a water lover, however the shy and still lively traits associated with the sign fit me well. I'm not a locked up kind of person, but sometimes if someone's giving me the "cold shoulder", I'll give it back until someone relents. Not exactly my most shining of moments, but it works most of the time.
Likes: I like to write, bowl, play basketball and baseball and spend time doing things to make others smile. Watching my god-daughter grow up day by day is also a joy I never thought I'd have. I'm grateful to my best friend for letting me be the godmother of his baby girl.
Dislikes: Fruits, criticism, failure
Describe your strengths: Willing to improve, I have the ability to make people smile, good at initiating conversations
Describe your weaknesses: Talking too much, not following advice, too clingy
Five words to describe you: Possessive, cheerful, jealous, willing, hard-working
+ F A V O R I T E S +
Movie: Gettysburg
Color: Violet
Band: Nightwish
Book: "Door in the dragon's throat" by Frank Peretti, however I just started the "Green Rider" series by Kriten Britain and it's quickly moving up the book list!
Food: Teriaki chicken stir fry
Animal: Horse
Holiday: Christmas
Drink: Non-alcoholic - Dr.Pepper. Alcoholic - Margarita (lol)
T H I S + O R + T H A T
Introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
Hugs or handshakes? Hugs
Confident or shy? Shy
Mature or playful? Mature
Impulsive or cautious? Impulsive
Video games or read a book? Lately it's read a book, but I go back and forth between the two
G O I N G + D E E P E R
It's Halloween and your school is throwing an awesome party there at night. You're completely stoked, are meeting your friends there, and already have your costume picked out. On your way there, you run into a scary Youma, attempting to ruin your plans. What is your strategy? I think I'd probably try to distract them with conversation, asking them psychological questions to confuse it before making a get-away run. If that doesn't work - scream until someone else handles the situation
You're at school and a handsome boy walks past you and smiles. Then next day he's in one of your classes and he's having trouble concentrating, glancing at you every other moment. The bell rings and he starts walking towards you. How do you react? I'll get a fluttery feeling in my tummy, but I'll make light conversation all the while hoping he's the one to get the ball rolling.
A new ride opened at a nearby amusement park. You want to go, but start hearing rumors that the ride is terrifying and some people are still having jitters three days after their experience. What do you decide to do? Ride the dumb thing anyway - I live for rollercoasters!
You're heading to your destination when you see a shy girl being bullied by three older girls. They push her and she looks like she's about to break down in tears. What is your reaction to this? I'll take the girl aside and comfort her. I'd probably take her for ice cream and offer her whatever comforts she felt she wanted at the time. I used to be bullied some as a kid and knew what it was like to be alone in school, so having a friend is important to staying focused when in the classroom.
You've just met your idol/role-model/favorite celebrity, and magically are able to spend a whole day with them. Who are they and what do you guys plan to do? Omg, I'd get to spend a day with my Brandon? *swoon* We'd totally spend the day at Kings Island riding the rollercoasters, enjoying the fireworks and talking about his basketball years. I've actually daydreamed about that a lot ^_^
If you could change one thing about the world what would that be? Politics. I hate the way they work and just want things to flow smoothly. I also hate financial struggles. My best friend suffers from degenerative arthritis in his back but can't afford surgery because he's a father of three in today's economy. I wish that society would make things easier on people like him so that he won't have to be in pain anymore ;_;
What are your goals and aspirations for the future? I'd like to be a writer or, as silly as this sounds, a tour guide at Gettysburg ^_^ The more selfish side of me wants to be more to my best friend than what he sees me as...
What is your general clothing style? Dark blue jeans, a cute solid color polo and my knee-high boots
This is your chance to show what you like in video form. Go on YouTube and find one of your favorite videos. Post the link here and describe why you like it. If it's a song, you may post the lyrics, too.
"Desperado" I know it was originally done by another artist, but I love this version more for some reason. It describes me to a T, because I always seem to "want the things that I can't get". Plus, I've heard my best friend singing it once and he didn't think I was listening - it made me die a little on the inside.
T H E + E N D
*Optional, you may post a picture of yourself. If you're uncomfortable with that, you can just describe yourself.
Anything else?
I do happen to be a huge Sailor Pluto fan and loved her even before I met her in the series. lol She's what drew me to SM in the first place.
Post the three applications you've voted on: