Blade of Lejista stuff. AND TEXT WALL.
This originally started off as a concept sketch of Vendayr's weapon, the Arm of Ignis, which is the blue glowy arm thing. Aside from claw form, he can morph this concentrated matter of mana into any destructive force he wishes. In exchange for the power he has, Vendayr's body slowly transforms into a giant wad of mana, eventually losing human shape and form. Thus he has to stabilize his form with heavy armor, eventually.
SO SOME BACKGROUND. Guy with the red speech bubbles is Captain Bardiche, leader of Project Ignis, a research group who experiments with mages among the Xevelseide army. Vendayr happened to be part of that army and Bardiche used him as a test subject for the Arm of Ignis prototype. Unable to control his new power, Vendayr wiped out most of the Project Ignis' researchers, and almost killed Bardiche himself. However, Bardiche being a gifted mage was able to brutally kill Vendayr. Little does Bardiche know that the prototype arm feeds off mana, so many of the dead researchers' mana is instantly absorbed in Vendayr's arm, becoming Vendayr's sustaining life force.
Vendayr escapes and has magical fun adventure time with Brenyn (happy-go-lucky lead character), Vega (butch pedophile), Xela (tsundere healer loli), Reya (drunken minstrel), and Yurick (Mr. Pervert). As news spreads about Vendayr to Xevelseide, Bardiche plans to lure Vendayr to slay him. He goes through the trouble of manipulating Vendayr's little sister Olivia into thinking that he himself is his older brother. Upon returning to Xevelseide, Vendayr sees that his town is decimated. He searches for Olivia, and finds her Bardiche's arms...
Rushed on pacing, but I wanted a general idea of shit. Blue marking things come out when Ven gets ANGREHHH.
Also WIPs.
For a friend.
Not for
syllogysm HNGGGGG