what do we have left, when nothing is afforded us? Its a simple question, with a simple answer, simple and compact, easy to carry, hold, reproduce. well isnt it?
What do I mean nothing? You have an infinate amount of things! You mearly hate what you have! As if I become anything by my 'possessions?' That one can even hate what they have, is that not a full lie? it implies they own anything to begin with, that they hate the object/image itself without its meaning, that the hate is a given not a choosen atachment. Isnt this moslty a relfection of self? What wonderous things do we... or I lack? nothing. What do I not have then? reason, thats one. do not think that logic or reason may undo the systemic reasoning that is touted back and forth across the infustructure of our info world. Is it that difficult to understand: they accept fixed ideas, and work to gain the top of their meaninglessness to validate its perpose, irregardless of its inherint value or meaning. Welcome to the catch-22, everything is yours, if only you are sold. sold not in a strict buy/exchange action, but also atentive/convinced. You have no say, your disagreement is mearly a farce of opionion, which does not matter in the slightest.
is this not what we saw with the seekers of heven? the do-gooders? the humane? the pure? the secures of our CULTure? our customs? the seekers of fiscal security? the perfect bliss of being at the top of the corprate/psyco-standerdized ladder? Is this not what we see in a focus on 'ends'?
Can dead ends justify living means?
perhaps our only true security, when the image we gave value to becomes infused with our meanings and meaning, is in danger.
here are some more: perpose, pride, critisim, introspectoin, compleate extroversion, sexualtiy, meaning, value, true realtions, on and on. What do we have? only force, the one single thing that you must be killed of. (if you think force entails mere physical strengeth/power, you dont know me, yet you may begin to, its another mind game with tensions to be created and resolved!) from this, all else fallows. in a phase: you cannnot but it, but it can be stolen. If you think you have any of these as a given, mearly try to use them unbridled, you will be a target. I and dionysus shall delgihtfully laugh, "they with meany enemys are allways becoming great" take your enemy and undermind its actions, making them fit your goals, if not one, the other. If they will not concede, make their objection a hatefull catherisis, you can certiantly do what thou will.
value and meaning, can those not be the same? a thing, a self containted (any)thing is allways a transitory tension, not mearly a singular object, its acts, rolling, skipping, flying, singing, are also inpart created by its enviorment, and just so the enviorment is changed; but also in simmularly differing form a 'meaning'. The obeject or image is the medium for a message (this can be of anything, but so many see the object as image of... the object! Like wandering bodies without minds, we suffer not simply from a dullistic mind/body good/evil reason/emotion yes/no outlook but now we have removed the dual parts from interacting: just body, just reason, just yes, just good; we have made an image which is flat, as culture which tempers these images moves ever away from saying "I SHAPE YOU" because culture is mearly the cult of many individuals, and they cant have any control over cultural static constructs to say "I 5HAP3 I" for if they possed that kind of power, which may be read as insightfull thought/action then the single demensional culture could not exsist and change would overtake them; Your house is your body, build where you see fit. move the next day. ), and what of value? what of meaning? If it is to have meaning it must be a realtion to you, meaning asigner, and value in its ablitiy as meaning. perhaps the meaning is the new medium to see. its certiantly a message which must come back
thought/action... dosent this dualtiy dully dissolive? opinion/action, perhaps not. insight/action, somtimes meets with compromises or insight is mearly the action itself, or atleast the change is.
so what do we think? what we act! Oh hear the cries of the pure fearfull who must say "we are hopelessly traped! oh how can we reconcile such a disparity! all is lost and we are enslaved and condemded" you there! can you not find more than one value derived from meaning of your action? All things spur mulitple means, take creative power and shape them into your own! where from, you ask? Do you not allready shape all actions by respecting yourself as a judge on your own failure? TRY AND FAIL! do not be afaid to degrade, it is only then that you may see at long last percisely what shapes you: YOU! just as one is eased through many a night with the thoguht of suicide: how can this sooth? it is your power to own yourself! you know then your corporeal exsistance and emotion is yours and no one elses to degrade. Do not choose carefully your masters, reject the master/obeyer role! none is your master, for all are brought back into you!
consume your fear of breaking down; it is mearly a carrie over from the fear/guilt seperation; welcome insted personal integratiy, and realise that it can and may need to change.
your unique self is more than credit can express, fractured and multifacited, compleate and consuming itself: dont be perfect. perfect is the whisper in your ear to which the static dead cry and the rest reach back, in hyperself criticle reflection, to take up this outside voice and jeeringly smile as if to say say: "you are mine, for I inspired your meaning. Your spell i worte, submited, and now I edit."
permanace has a different meaning to each. Seeking permance takes us only into a permante quasi-exsistance, hardly oursevles, mostly our ordained tasks, roles, 'good' thoughts.
(part II goes here)
What is this half-formed DaDa creation? What is it not? Dont make me laugh with your search for objectivity. Unless you want to realize the games.