Guardian Entry 39: Aftermath

Sep 28, 2008 00:12


Caleb, Shagon, Yzma, Kronk, Filmore, Jason, Deadpool... Mario?... All of you who abandoned us! I can't believe you went and DID that! WHY?! We didn't abandon you when you all needed help and what did you do?! You RAN OFF AND LEFT US! I don't care if you came back or not! YOU LEFT US! I...

HAY LIN-NEESAN! You lied to me! You said you wouldn't do anything! And what did you do? You messed with Ryoko?! And even when you knew you had the virus, you STILL KEPT GOING!? WHY?!

RYOKO! You took advantage of Hay Lin-neesan again as well!? I... I DON'T TO TALK TO YOU!


I... I...

That's IT! I can't TAKE IT! As of this moment, I am OUT of here! I'm going to Royal Base and staying there! As for the Dragon... you can just find yourself a NEW Head Cook! I QUIT! I can't work with people who would lie to me or run off when we need them the most!

Grif, Elyon, Hitomi-chan, Terra, Colette... you can come with me if you wish.

Kazusa... you can have my room.

Commander Daimon?

My name is Sasami Masaki Jurai-Lin, secondary DATS agent and leader of the group known as the "New Guardians". I'd like to apologize for what happened involving your granddaughter, Takaishi Hitomi. It was the virus doing most of the talking and... well... I'm sorry if what I said got you riled up. Hitomi is a dear friend of mine and I love her very much. Love her as a friend or... heheh... well... that's something we'll have to see... but still... I'm sorry...


As it stands, I cannot stay at the Silver Dragon due to various incidents caused by the virus. I have seen that one of your cooks, a "Mama" has quit her post and, if it is alright with you, I wish to take her place as a chef there, even if it's to make up for any of the trouble I may have caused

I would be glad to hear from you as soon as possible.

virus aftermath, angry sammy is angry

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