Have you guys stumbled upon
this guy's site yet? You should. It's a very simple one, designed for a simple purpose: to get back stolen property and/or humiliate and dog the people who stole it.
Basically, this person's friend left a T Moble Sidekick phone in a taxi. Wanting to get it back, she messaged the phone asking for it's return, with a promise of a reward. After a whole day, there was no responce. She had to go and pay $300 bucks for a replacement the next day, and upon checking up her account, saw that someone had indeed taken the phone, and had actually signed onto AOL leaving their name and password in the phone, as well as taken pics of themeselves.
The friend (the person who put up this site), immediately contacted them via AIM and asked to get the Sidekick returned, and was told in rather rude terms that it was in no way going to be. Not taking that crap for an answer, the friend has since waged a one person campain to humilate and persecute this person and those in cohoots, until the phone is finally return to it's rightfull owner. Speaking as someone who's had a cell phone taken by a punk after losing it, I not only applaud this, but think more people should do stuff like this.
He's tracked them down not only via their AOL account, but also their MySpace pages. He's got pictures, and even an email address. And he also has a growing army of people who are linking to his page, helping to spread the story and stick it to these scum lickers (apparently, two people are invloved in this). I've just included myself in said army, but linking to this guy's page, and telling you guys about this.
So go check it out. Read the stuff on the page: some of it is kinda funny. And make sure to spread the news. Cause bottom feeders like this are not to be tolerated.