Well, ok, I'm not exactly lazy about it. I'm just busy. And distracted. Yeah. I get distracted a lot. Hey, when you're a fighting game nut, and you have MUGEN on your computer, you tend to get distracted.
Well, mostly I'm tired. Like today. I'm really tired today. I'm talking colored spots seeing, on the verge of hallucination tired. We were severly understaffed for work today. Imagine around only six people showing up for work today in your zone of the airport. And also imagine that you have 4 machines in your zone, and you need at least 5 at each machine for things to run smoothly. That's a lot of bodies deciding not to show up. And a hell of a lot of bags had to be tossed today. Thank the gods for part timers and response team people. Still, we did a hell of a lot of work, and I'm beat.
Not all's bad though. For those who are interested, we're finally moved. Yep. Me, Jit and her son are in our new aprtment. It's more spacious than our old one, it has a room that the little one can call his own, it's got a nice kitchen, and it's got a modest sized back yard for grilling and hanging out with a couple of friends. Yep, we're happy here. And gods, I can finally feel comfortable having friends stay over!
Not that they'd want to come over now. We kinda need to get some more furnature. Only thing in the living room is a futon that's still in it's box. And it doens't have a mattress yet. That will be remedied shortly, along with the lack of chairs. Chairs be important. Butts everywhere will agree.
just added my story post to that ongoing one on my site again... it had gotten deleted by accident thanks to a server crash. Bleh. hopefully we can get that tale jump started again. I've been working on the next few events, and want to get them going.
Doing the whole net surfing thing right now... and trying to figure out who this Saber chick is that Alora's been talking about. That character on her LJ looks pretty cool, and I was thinking of using a little of her design for her jedi character later on. But my interest was really piqued when I saw it as a MUGEN character while surfing. Now I gotta hunt that character down, but I have no idea what anime, manga, or game Saber came from. Ah well, the internet or someone will tell me. Though as far as net hunting goes, my brain is sorta fried right now, so I might not be fortunate today....
Oh before i forget... if you haven't yet, check out
AskANinja.com. And make sure to see some of the earlier episodes. You'll thank me later, trust me.