Video game stuff: PS3 woes.

Feb 14, 2007 13:06

Yeah, what the title says. so if you aren't into video games, I guess you won't want to read this. But it's funny...

Anyways, any of you guys read that interview in the latest issue of EGM with Jack Tretton yet? You know, the president of Sony Computer Entertainment of America? If so, were you able to do so without laughing and/or snorting with scorn? This guy really knows how to sling the bs; despite the evidence to the contrary Tretton was consistnatly saying that the PS3 was doing fine. He even gets busted a couple of times with some of his lines: the best quote was when he actually says "If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1,200 bucks for it." Yes, he actually said that. Penny Arcade does a better job of runing with that quote than I ever could; they actually go out and find em.

Another good one was when EGM reminded him of a past promise that sony would "offer everything that Xbox Live does... the big differentiating factor is that we're not charging you." This is clearly not the case now: even developers are saying that the Playstation Network (Sony's answer to Live) is crap. At first Tretton tried to say that "it'll get better.", but when pressed with "So do you see a rough timeline for when you can legitimately and honestly say "We are now literally doing everything that Xbox Live is doing, but for free?"", he then hinted that not only that this might not be true, but that indeed, they might be charging you for more features. Lovely reneging there Sony.

It's not like I'm trying to bash Sony just for the sake of doing it, as lots of people have been doing these days. But it's easy for gamers (who aren't blind fanboys/girls) to see that things aren't going so well for the PS3. The fact is, right now you'd be getting better quality gaming from the Xbox, a system that came out more than a YEAR ago, and costs 200 bucks LESS. Hell, right now they got games with graphics that match, or even surpass what's on the PS3 right now. I know that whole thing about first generation games not matching the potential of the machine, but with all the stuff Sony was saying about their console being leagues ahead of anything on the market, we should be seeing a stark improvement in graphics and gameplay right off the bat. But we don't... people I know who have these machines have been telling me this. The top rated and selling game for the PS3 right now, Resistance: Fall of Man, doesn't look much better than Gears of War on the Xbox 360, and a couple of people at work told me they had gotten bored with it. Tretton has said that Resistance: Fall of mine "clearly demonstrated the power and potential of the Playstation 3". If this is true, I'm not impressed, and I don't see myself getting this console anytime soon... even with Virtual Fighter 5 out for it right now (VF being one of my favorite fighting series). Hell, it's coming out for the Xbox 360 anyway, so I can wait for that game. Even Metal Gear Solid 4 is supposedly coming out for the 360 down the line, if a certain source I read is correct, so really, what's the point of spending that much money on a system that is, quite frankly, proving itself right off the bat to be overrated?

Some gamer on the EGM message boards said that all the gamers who are complaining about the ps3 would buy one if they could afford it. Well I got two statements for that guy: one, people who HAVE the system are complaining, and two, if I had the money, I STILL wouldn't buy it now. Sorry, not interested. My money would go towards a 360 and a Wii, honestly. It would be money better spent, though the Wii I would wait on a little longer, simply because I have a certain rule when it comes to new systems, and it one I think more people should follow: I never buy a system when it first comes out. Ever. Think about it: save for Nintendo, what company you know of came out with a system with no bugs right off the bat? And it's rare that the launch line up is worth going gaga over (ok, there was the Dreamcast; spectacular launch lineup, but when the PS2 came out, Sega folded... and they SHOULDN'T HAVE). It's a waste of money to nab a system when it comes out; it's best to wait for it to prove itself to you before laying down the cash. The 360 had a year to do that and it did. And you know when november comes around Halo 3 is going to dominate the video game world for several months afterwards. Add the wild card factor of Nintendo (which is already starting off well), and Sony's got themselves a real battle on their hands. I don't care what Tretton says; the Playstation brand name is only going to take them so far. Sony itself is a big brand name, but that didn't save the minidisc format from obscurity now did it?? They need to bring their A game here; hell, they need their A+ game now, and bring out some well developed exclusive games that will get people talking and clamoring for their system, like say Killzone 2 (if that game is even half as awesome as their fake trailer for it, then I'll be jonesing for a PS3), and they have to make their online gaming network much better than it is right now. Like it nor not, online gaming is now very important to the console gaming community, and we all have Microsoft to thank for it. Thanks Microsoft. (I still think you guys need to rethink Vista though.)

Speaking of online gaming, that reminds me of my days of playing halo 2 on Xbox live. You guys see this video yet?

Say hello to the guy (representing the many, many, many more like him), who ultimately caused me to quit playing online and cancel my service. Ok, so online gaming isn't all that's cracked up to be.

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