kung_fu_monkey is encouraging me to post about this. It all started with a doctors visit.
So back on the 3rd I went to the doctor, since I now have health insurance I can now get the prescriptions I was on filled finally. (mostly) So I scheduled an annual visit. It wasn't horrible, I still don't like doctors much, but he didn't piss me off so it was tolerable. I talked about my asthma and my allergic rhinitis (Fancy way of saying I have Hay Fever) and he wrote a prescription for an inhaler and generic Flonase. Then we talked about my family history. On my mom's side of the family we have people who have developed both types of Diabetes as well as on both sides of the family I have lost 3 of 4 grandparents and one uncle to early heart attacks (They were in their late 40s and early 50s), so he wanted to have my blood work done. I agreed and left his office. Other than the blood work results and the asthma I was perfectly healthy. The next day I got the emails (Kaiser has an online system to track your medical stuff. Less office visits that way apparently.) for my lab work. Most of the numbers were just outside of acceptable range. So I figured I was good.
The actual interpretation of the results told a much different story. Apparently I am at risk of or have (he's not real clear on this point) Prediabetes. Yeah fun. What it means to me is that I now have to change my diet to that of a diabetic, or risk developing diabetes. This Sucks. This is where I am now having problems. Cutting out sweets, not a big deal. Cutting down on high-fat foods, not a big deal. I have to cut out, if possible, all simple carbohydrates. This list sucks.
I can no longer have white rice.
I can no longer have bread products unless they are truly whole wheat.
I can no longer have pasta.
I can no longer have potatoes.
A trip to the grocery store made me depressed as hell. Most of the foods I like to fix and eat are now Bad For Me.
End result, until I can learn more about what I can eat and how to do the exchange system I am hyper sensitive about food and apologize in advance if I snark about it to anyone.