So it's been a little while since I've updated about anything so here we go.
Weight update: As of this afternoon, according to our scale (which may not be quite as accurate as the doctor) I have lost 30 pounds since the doctors visit.
kung_fu_monkey and
dr_tectonic claim they can already tell, I can't. But then again I never noticed gaining the weight after high school either. What I weight now is what I weighed in high school. And I've lost that much without doing the light exercise either. I suspect once I start the 30 minutes a day of light exercise I'll probably lose another 30 pounds in short order, we'll see.
Diet update: Things aren't as sucky as I first thought them to be. I still eat decently, it's just I can't eat a lot of the crap I used to. I can't really have pizza from chains anymore, or the frozen variety for that matter, but I can have homemade if I make some changes. (For those who are interested I can post the recipe.) It's not quite the same as the cheesey gooey fattening pizza I used to eat, but it isn't bad. I now have a better understanding of what I can and can't have. I went to a class put on by the hospital for preventing diabetes and now have a better idea of portions and exchanges, so I can have a lot of what I used to eat, just not in the quantities that I used to eat them. So things aren't bad on that front.
Health update: I am sick. Actually getting over being sick. There is some cold thing going around lately that
kung_fu_monkey got and I got from him. It starts as a head cold thing and then proceeds to wipe you out completely. Walking to the kitchen from the office and back tired me out and I had to rest. But I'm mostly over it and should be back at work by tomorrow. Whoever else has gotten this has my sympathy.
And that's about all there is for now.